32 - Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (Nintendo, 1995) - SNES (also available on GBA)

My favorite Mario game period (though I haven't played any of the Galaxy games yet) is this one. Many people don't consider this part of the main Mario series simply because you don't play as Mario, but - what's this? It's SUPER MARIO WORLD TWO?! That's what I thought.
Anyway, this game is fantastic. Good controls, great level design, yadda-yadda. What REALLY stands out to me are the bosses. They are generally the weakest part of platformers, but here's it's an exception. The bosses are more than just "jump on their head three times", they're GREAT. And the final boss... oh god, ithat music... In fact, had this game have just regular bosses, I'd probably hold the first Mario World. As it is though, It's probably my favorite 2D platformer ever, tied with another game on this list.
#31: this game pissed off Nintendo fans everywhere. It's by the same company that would later piss off gaming fans in general.