artur-fernand said: #33: Okami (Clover Studio, 2006) - PS2 (also available on Wii and PS3) I got this game because everybody kept talking about it. And it looked SO GORGEOUS, so I gave it a try. Now, I still haven't played most of the Zelda games, but I find it hard to believe that ANY of those are gonna surpass Okami for me. The beginning is slow - so slow that many people drop the game and don't see anything special. But persevere and you'll find an AMAZING game. Interesting plot, EXCELLENT soundtrack, fun bosses and exploration, PHENOMENAL artstyle/graphics. I'm yet to buy the HD remaster though, I can't even imagine how beautiful this game is in high-definition. Speaking of which, Okami 2 goddammit. Someone has to make it happen, for God's sake. Fuck Okamiden, I want a sequel running in glorious 1080p on eighth gen consoles. Anyway, the best Zelda game was actually a PS2 exclusive
#32: SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. |
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