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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread! *Greatest Games Event 2014* (The Top 500 Games Will Now Be Chosen)

Finished working on my assignment so today is going to be a two for one deal! Both game also happen to have been released in the same year.

#35 - The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim

Ah Skyrim. The hype for this game was out of this world back in 2011 and we all thought we would never heard the end of "Arrow to the Knee" jokes. Skyrim has been a dividing game but ever since launch day back on November 11th, 2011, I fell in love with this game. Sure the main quest and the Civil War sidequest are not too interesting or as deep as plots from the previous games and there are still some very silly set pieces. But Skyrim has always it up for me with it's environment and all the different locations to explore, the beautiful graphics that absolutely blew my face off in 2011 and the massive amount of interesting side quests. Really my only major complaint is I can never find enough time to play.

#34 Portal 2

The original Portal was the first game I bought on Steam, I also couldn't run it because my computer had the processing power of a toaster. But when I did I found it to be a fun little first person puzzle game. So how can Portal 2 improve on Portal 1? Every single way. The levels all feel more varied and unique along with new tools such as the gels to go along with the portal gun and also the laser platforms. The story is more interesting, there are quite a few new characters (directly and indirectly) and they're all written very well and are pretty funny. The game is also quite a bit longer and generally the puzzles feel more complex. Portal 2 is a great experience and the only reason it's so low on my list is puzzle games usually lose their replay value to me once I figure out the puzzles so sadly I rarely find myself going back and replaying levels.

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Hint for #33. This game was horribly butchered when it got an iOS port.

Leadified said:
Hint for #33. This game was horribly butchered when it got an iOS port.

So all we have to do now is guess one game out of every single game that has been ported to IOS devices...

Hmmmm.....Mega Man 2..?

KLXVER said:
Leadified said:
Hint for #33. This game was horribly butchered when it got an iOS port.

So all we have to do now is guess one game out of every single game that has been ported to IOS devices...

Hmmmm.....Mega Man 2..?

Nope, there are a fair share of decent ports acutally. But this game, they redrew the graphics which on their own look okay but the animation is just awful and the game runs very poorly.

Mr_No said:
Hint for the #33: Most successful fighting game from the fifth genera, which involves a long-winded storyline of familiar issues that keeps unveiling on subsequent sequels.

Tekken 3?

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

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#33 - One of my favorite gaming franchises, and a welcome refreshment after a horribly awful RE6. Had great fun playing it, cannot wait for part 2.

Burek said:

#33 - One of my favorite gaming franchises, and a welcome refreshment after a horribly awful RE6. Had great fun playing it, cannot wait for part 2.

Awww, c'mon. Resident Evil 6 is great :(

Looks like I'm ridiculously far behind thanks to Dragon Age Inquisition.

Anyway, Clues:

41. A cross gen game published by a company that seems to be doing everything to be the most evil in the industry.

40. This girl only plays for sport, and needs a big park.

39. Fe, a boxer and the power of 3.

38. You'll find you will wander around in this game and find a lot of agro.

37. Arguably, one of the biggest and last exclusive titles of the previous gen.

36. Approx. 4 years post-release before we could finally lift some trophies.

35. "Did I mention I'm a god now?".... "You may feel less like fighting after I pull of your head!"

34. The main character shares the same name as a fictional TV chracter who keeps having the worst day of his life. Oh, and the game features numerous bombs.

33. The humble beginnings of a now way over-the-top, annual franchise.

Leadified said:
Hint for #33. This game was horribly butchered when it got an iOS port.

Final Fantasy VI?

Leadified said:
KLXVER said:
Leadified said:
Hint for #33. This game was horribly butchered when it got an iOS port.

So all we have to do now is guess one game out of every single game that has been ported to IOS devices...

Hmmmm.....Mega Man 2..?

Nope, there are a fair share of decent ports acutally. But this game, they redrew the graphics which on their own look okay but the animation is just awful and the game runs very poorly.

This is maybe a stretch, but I'm going to guess it anyway.

Phoenix Wright on iOS?