Argh it's killing me I don't know any of you guys's hints XD !
BraLoD said:
Another year less recent, but that wasn't it's original release date
mZuzek said:
Rayman Legends? |
You got it
Resident Evil: Revelaitons
Real Name: Resident Evil: Revelations
System: Nintendo 3DS
Genre: Survival Horror
Year: 2012
Rank last year: 35 (=)
Resident Evil: Revelations is a brilliant survival horror game. It's B-movie story is executed extremely well and is vastly entertaining. It's over the top and ridiculous, but just in the right amount. The story is brought in a number of short 'episodes', brought to the player as if it were a tv-series. The game is also scary in just the right amount. The horror and the action are perfectly balanced, and the tension in the tight corridors is real.
Mostly taking place aboard an abandoned cruise, the story involves unraveling the mystery surrounding a certain terrorist group. Being on board a cruise ship, the narrow corridors and tight spaces result in the game using the capabilities of the 3DS system in a very clever way and it wouldn't even look out of place on consoles. In fact, that's probably what Capcom thought, because it came to consoles afterwards.
Meh, I had finally come up with a good lay-out for my list-posts... Is the site all screwed up. Looking at my posts now, it looks like I need to get around to redesigning them ...
Game #34
This game features a quote straight from a somewhat corny, though famous, '80's action tv-show. In this show, lots of bullets are fired, yet no one ever dies...
mZuzek said:
And I thought this was an easy hint. Come on, anybody? |
Mario Party 2... Or is that too easy ?
mZuzek said:
Well you already eliminated the most obvious one. When I say it was made by the same developer as a previous game, I'm also saying both games are closely related and very similar in some ways (which I don't think would be the case with Mario Party). |
I'm not sure...
Considering party games and what's on your list I'd say only Super Smash Bros. Melee (obvious which one's from the same developer) and Rock Band II (Guitar Hero II, Harmonix). I don't know if any of the other developers of any of the other games made a series of party games...
I'm going to guess Rock Band II then .
#35 - F.E.A.R. Great game that combines fun action with a scary antagonist....a little girl
#34 hint - lol that door just got the RROD.
Wright said:
Nope. This game is WAY less serious.
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