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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread! *Greatest Games Event 2014* (The Top 500 Games Will Now Be Chosen)

Smeags said:

Hint for #39 (We're in the 30's!):

This game traded the vast ocean of the previous game for a vast mountain range. It also was the premier of my favorite weasel.

Pokemon Diamond/Pearl.

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axumblade said:
Still going to accept guesses on #40

a. this game supposedly stole its game mechanics from a thief. Even if technically this series came first.
b. Boob, ass, and lips reduction are not always bad things. Neither are tress effects.

39. 99 luftballons

40 is Tomb 39 Vice City?

Same applies for your 38 Kapi 


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

So 39 was Professor Layton and Pandora's Box. The game takes the whole principle of the first game and makes it bigger and better than before. If you haven't played it yet then I won't spoil the ending, but it's great!

Speaking of which, my 38 is a direct sequel to another game on my list. And when I say "Direct Sequel", it's the first time in the series that there was a direct sequel!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

mZuzek said:

Alright, here's my #39 hint: it was released sometime in the last 40 years I'm not sure if this is the first ever open-world racing game (probably not), but it's definitely the first one I played.

Need for Speed Underground 2?

Clues not yet guessed:

#46 - Released as a 10th anniversary celebration of this JRPG series, the 5th numbered entry and currently last entry in the series (not counting a spin-off)

#45 - Kitty Kibble shortages and broccoli everywhere.

#43 - After swapping green lands for a murky city, this second sequel traded both of the above in for the desert.  Featured a "wizard of oz" esque ending.

#41 - The final boss of this fighting game was a young woman who beared a startling resemblance to a missing character... who had been possessed by a phantom spectral wolf.

And here's a clue for my next one:

#39 - Third person shooter where you play as a police mech and fight "sky captain" in a bizarre but awesome base-defence game

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Hint for the #38: I think the hint will have to wait, just need to make some calibrations.

Also, one of the characters' name means someone that leads the way for a large group of wooly animals.

Ka-pi96 said:

Future Cop: LAPD!?

Loved that game!

Couldn't be anything else ;)

I never know how to do the clues for that game.  If you know the title, you'll probably get it instantly from anything I said, but if you don't, it's quite an obscure game to be listing.

And yeah, I love that game as well.  Still play it ever now and again!

Ka-pi96 said:
Conegamer said:
Speaking of which, my 38 is a direct sequel to another game on my list. And when I say "Direct Sequel", it's the first time in the series that there was a direct sequel!

Pokemon Black/White 2?

That's right. Not bad!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.


Prince of Persia

  • System: Mac, Mobile
  • Genre: Action
  • Year: 1992
  • Rank last year: 39 (=)

Prince of Persia is another game tied to memories. This difficult game is timeless, it's just as fun and challenging to play today. The player gets one hour of real time to complete the game's 13 levels. It doesn't sound so hard, if not all these levels were quite long. Myself I never got past level 5, either because time ran out or because that's when the difficulty gets insane. I heard that in the final level, you're supposed to throw everything you've learned about the game mechanics away, and take a leap of faith. I intend to do it one time though.

In those 60 minutes, the player traverses a labyrinth of platforming levels. Without a map to speak of, these levels are mazes indeed. Along the way there's the occasional enemy to defeat, hazards to avoid and obstacles to overcome. One such obstacle is the Mirror. It's infamous, because I didn't know how to get passed it for years. Slashing at it, running into it, trying to just get around it, nothing could be done. Until on one faithful day I found out it was as simple as jumping through it. The mirror creates a mirror image of the prince though, which subsequently proceeds to make the following levels even harder. He closes doors in front of you and steals health potions for example... The bastard. The sequel is equally cool though, however I found it even harder and more frustrating when there were flying Medusa heads swooping down at every turn in level 6.

Game #38

Keeping with the mirrors-theme, this game features a puzzle that has one guessing what the meaning of a few markings are reflected in a pool of water.