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Prince of Persia

  • System: Mac, Mobile
  • Genre: Action
  • Year: 1992
  • Rank last year: 39 (=)

Prince of Persia is another game tied to memories. This difficult game is timeless, it's just as fun and challenging to play today. The player gets one hour of real time to complete the game's 13 levels. It doesn't sound so hard, if not all these levels were quite long. Myself I never got past level 5, either because time ran out or because that's when the difficulty gets insane. I heard that in the final level, you're supposed to throw everything you've learned about the game mechanics away, and take a leap of faith. I intend to do it one time though.

In those 60 minutes, the player traverses a labyrinth of platforming levels. Without a map to speak of, these levels are mazes indeed. Along the way there's the occasional enemy to defeat, hazards to avoid and obstacles to overcome. One such obstacle is the Mirror. It's infamous, because I didn't know how to get passed it for years. Slashing at it, running into it, trying to just get around it, nothing could be done. Until on one faithful day I found out it was as simple as jumping through it. The mirror creates a mirror image of the prince though, which subsequently proceeds to make the following levels even harder. He closes doors in front of you and steals health potions for example... The bastard. The sequel is equally cool though, however I found it even harder and more frustrating when there were flying Medusa heads swooping down at every turn in level 6.