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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - So this Microsoft Band is a success?

Man I wish I could create something people don'T need but realise they can't live without. Creating a demand is just as good as creating a product that respond to need already present

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

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cutzman25 said:
so what is it exactly, and what makes it appealing?

Basically a smartphone watch... Appealing to busy people and cyclists I guess...    not really interested it in myself..

Kind of tempting, but I got a Jawbone Up24 a couple of months ago and see no reason to replace it so soon

But this does look better than most "wearables"

No, they probably only made 20,000. I'm so mad that they ran out of medium. Now I have to wait till 12/18 for a new shipment online?! Fuck you eBaying bitches!!!


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence

I'm buying my brother one for christmas, and a couple friends have ordered one, so to me it seems like a hit. Haven't seen any reviews for it yet so i'm still skeptical about whether i want one.

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AkimboCurly said:
I'm buying my brother one for christmas, and a couple friends have ordered one, so to me it seems like a hit. Haven't seen any reviews for it yet so i'm still skeptical about whether i want one.

Tons of info there


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence

The most appealing thing seems to be that it includes its own GPS sensor - all other devices like this basically force you to keep your phone on you, but with this you can leave your phone at home when you work out. I can see why that would be a huge plus for people. Good job, MS.

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS

People will wear these devices for less than a year and then stop wearing them.

What good about this watch/band is that they weren't trying to do too much.
Other smart watches are trying to be like a small phone on your wrist.
This is a sports band which can do extra non-complicated things.

I like the Fitbit watches/bands that they just announced. Looks better than this one. I'll wait for comparison for battery and heart rate monitor (calorie counter) before I decide.

Right now I have Fitbit Flex and I like it (although no watch is bad).