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Forums - Sales Discussion - Predict XB1 US Sales! XB1 outselling PS4 OVER 3:1 on Amazon US! Sunset Bundle up 11,000%, 5 XB1 Skus in Top 40 Vs 1 PS4


Predict US Sales for Week Ending 8th

0 - 50k BOMBA 117 20.78%
51k - 100k 70 12.43%
101k - 150k 67 11.90%
151k - 200k 62 11.01%
201k - 250k 52 9.24%
251k - 300k 37 6.57%
301k - 350k 22 3.91%
351k+ INSANITY 134 23.80%
PS4oursavior said:
Eh PS4 is still doing amazing in the U.S and has already won WW this gen...let X1 have November, least it will make the war a little interesting if Sony let's MS have a month:p This is good for the X1(not going to hide that I unabashedly HATE the Xbox brand and the tool in charge of it) but I still don't think it's a given that X1 will be on top this NPD nor do I think it can consistently stay on top to over take the PS4 globally, in the US, or globally in the US. These deals are going to give it a definite boost in the short term but the momentum will drop in 2015 while Sony has some big releases early on while MS is pretty weak early on. I know Spencer(bleh) said Fall is crazy for X1 but before that is kinda weak and I'm sure Sony is going to have plenty to show for fall too. X1 just MIGHT win the November battle but I still say no way it wins the war.

OMG you Alts are funny.

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Seece said:
colafitte said:
Ok guys..., It's over!! Amazon has spoken.... It was a good ride for ps4 while it lasted...

R.I.P. PS4 NPD Dominance



As serious as everybody in this thread!!!

so by ur logic does that mean when ps4 was on top # 5 it was outselling x1 by about 40 to 1 when x1 was at 45, dont look into it to much there are 3 factors on y its on top for this week and possibly next week 1- pricedrop with 1-2 free games so some people waiting for that will get it. 2 cod is coming out and 3 and halo and ur comparing 3 bundles to a 399$ console sony must be flattered by u . the same thing happen when titanfall bundle came out ps4 dropped to 15 and titanfall clinbed to 7 and we all know how that turned out . bottom line is sony hasnt even announced a bundle yet they wont let that go by  for the holiday. and plus ps4's demand is just to high to worry about x1. ps4 will still win nov. and dec. npd. period.

Considering how the original poster directly compared the X1 to the PS4 I have to disagree with your comment. I do get what you're saying about it not being doomed; I personally never thought it was doomed just don't think it has a chance to win this generation. That's great in my opinion though, Xbox needs to be humbled.

aceitman said:

so by ur logic does that mean when ps4 was on top # 5 it was outselling x1 by about 40 to 1 when x1 was at 45, dont look into it to much there are 3 factors on y its on top for this week and possibly next week 1- pricedrop with 1-2 free games so some people waiting for that will get it. 2 cod is coming out and 3 and halo and ur comparing 3 bundles to a 399$ console sony must be flattered by u . the same thing happen when titanfall bundle came out ps4 dropped to 15 and titanfall clinbed to 7 and we all know how that turned out . bottom line is sony hasnt even announced a bundle yet they wont let that go by  for the holiday. and plus ps4's demand is just to high to worry about x1. ps4 will still win nov. and dec. npd. period.

That isn't how ratios work, my goodness.


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Not an alt considering this is my only account. I usually don't comment but I figured I would so I had to make an account to do so.

Man, these amazon sales are freaking rampart recently. Can't wait to get this holiday season sales on already.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

This thread and PS4s being traded threads are making people go over the edge.
I think mods should make these threads a norm so the traffic on VGC would substantially increase. ;)

I think I should make a post about my friend that was super excited for SSOD got the bundle played it for a day and traded it in for  PS4 the next would add some balance to the forums:p

kowenicki said:
BreedinBull said:
If the PS4 wins the November NPD, it is going to be so glorious digging up these threads and watching the backpedalling to sales not mattering again.

only if you dont understand what this thread is about... you joined about a dozen people who dont seem to be able to read the OP or the following posts properly


Nohting mere, nothing less.

Now do you a) understand that? and b) agree?

You forget the fact that this thread is trying to teach people how basic maths work!, That's more important than everything else....