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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Miyamoto says plenty of Wii U games next year and more major franchise spinoffs

Troll-Hunter-9000 said:
Nem said:
Troll-Hunter-9000 said:
The Wii U is doomed. Nintendo games are not the same as in the past.

I would like to know what this "same as in the past" is.

They are not as good as in those days.

It is as i expected then.

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Well of course he would say that Hopefully we do actually get lots of great games.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Its good news for Nintendo. The jump to HD was going to be a tough lesson. But its a lesson that everyone had to go through. Nintendo will perfect their techniques and master the hardware like they always do, and by the end of the generation, we'll have some of the best looking games around. Almost always it'll be shock that graphics like this came out of supposed underpowered hardware.

And I'm glad that Nintendo is stepping up and sourcing out some of their things. It means that they will develop better relationships with third party developers, and they will get more familiar with the Wii U hardware and its capabilities. Its a win win, especially when they release a super charged version of the Wii U for the next generation hardware.

bananaking21 said:
More spin offs promised? Keep milking nintendo but your flat out refusal to let your biggest projects be new ips is one of the main reasons wiiu is tanking so hard. Keep milking zelda and mario, lets see how far that takes you.

Oh shut up about it already. Nintendo brings out a lot of new games from existing IP's, but new IP' s pop up every so often, if not just as often as other AAA developers.

As the Wii U doesnt sell well, Nintendo will have to rely on a bigger ratio of games per user to make more profit on the software, so it makes sense to put more ressources on the number of games, even on some small scale project like Hyrule Warrior and Captain Toad who will turn a profit without much trouble.

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NightDragon83 said:
More spinoffs? Right, because Hyrule Warriors and Captain Toad are big time console movers. After this season the only big console mover Nintendo has left is Zelda. That's extremely worrying.

They're scrapping by this gen, at this point I think they're just trying to satisfy their 10-20m worth of loyal fans .

Captain toad is glorified DLC and they already said HW and WWHD were commisioned because the actual zelda game would take so long. They simply were not prepared to suppport a new HD console which is quite shocking when you think of how much resouces and breathing space the success of the Wii gave them. 

So Nintendo has decided to support their own hardware (Wii U) with more games in the future. I'm so shocked. O_O

Well, the part where he says that they have learned new development techniques isn't new, althought they didn't say it this way in the past where they always mentioned the difficulties of developing games in HD, but the part about expanding its characters and make more spin offs is new.

We'll see what they mean with that.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

TheLegendaryWolf said:

"On development time, we have already completed the step of learning new development techniques. So, we should experience less developmental delays stemming from learning new hardware. From now on, it becomes a matter of if we can use our experience efficiently and one part of our plan to do so is to use ‘spin off games’, which allow us to use our major title franchises, but create on a smaller scale and we are working hard on making these sort of derived products. In this way, we are preparing to expand on our characters while also increasing the number of software we output and allowing our customers to have their next experiences in certain franchises without waiting three years."

Diddy Kong Racing 2?


tsogud said:
TheLegendaryWolf said:

"On development time, we have already completed the step of learning new development techniques. So, we should experience less developmental delays stemming from learning new hardware. From now on, it becomes a matter of if we can use our experience efficiently and one part of our plan to do so is to use ‘spin off games’, which allow us to use our major title franchises, but create on a smaller scale and we are working hard on making these sort of derived products. In this way, we are preparing to expand on our characters while also increasing the number of software we output and allowing our customers to have their next experiences in certain franchises without waiting three years."

Diddy Kong Racing 2?

It wouldn't be a very smart investment. MK8, with some DLC effort and its evergreen condition, is going to sell very well at full price for the years to come.