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Forums - Sony Discussion - AC: Unity PS4 Leaked (aka I Hate Sub-1080p Blurriness)

To everyone complaining about people not buying a game because of the resolution:

This has nothing to do with the resolution. These graphical effects, textures and lighting just look terrible (makes it even worse in 900p though). Even Black Flag looked better.

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dane007 said:

Yea i remeber that as peopel wer eboasting how awesome it it to have a 1080p game ratehr then a 900p ryse lol. ryse and sunset overdrive are the two sharpest 900p games i have played lol. i was more impressed with ryse on hwo sharp it looked at launch a nd the same with sunset overdrive . That game is incredible sharp fro a open world 900p game.

Sorry I played Rayse and it is blurry... that was the first think I noticied when I played it... Forza 5 is sharper but it have crazy AA issues outside the cars (the cars are a little better)... more crazy yet was the DriveClub build I played early this year where the AA is pratically absent (I didn't played after).

SO I didn't played but images showed it is blurry too.

Seems like you don't know what is sharper.

New pics leaked... look better? lol


Same blurry mess lol

ethomaz said:

What broken promises? The game is exaclty what I wanted and played at E3... and these palces will come to the game... that is how the MMO model works... I guess people don't expected Destiny to be a constant evolutive game like MMOs... you will be playing Destiny this whole generation and the game will evolute every month/year.

Diablo III, World of Warcraf, FFXIV, etc... all these games started with a base and evoluted to awesome tought the years.

And yeap... no-1080p was a resolution taken even before the generation started... in 2012 because that what I expected from PS3 and it didn't delivered and now with PS4 it is the minimum because you know the HDTVs standard is 1080p and non-native resolutions looks like shit.

Next-generation I expected 4k mininum... I will buy a 4k in the next five years... my next console will need to be 4k.

I don't what to step back from what I had on PS360... I want to go foward and I support that... PS4 at least is moving foward way better than PS3 while I can't say the samething about the competition.

Look at the demo for Destiny at E3 and Bungie talk of being able to go other places in the distance but  "in the interest of time" they didn't show these places on the demo. The places they looked at and had other players coming from you can't access in the full game though and likely will never be able to.

If you're so fascinated with specs why not simply not buy any new gen consoles and upgrade your PC? You could have 4k right now on PC.

Headshot said:

Look at the demo for Destiny at E3 and Bungie talk of being able to go other places in the distance but  "in the interest of time" they didn't show these places on the demo. The places they looked at and had other players coming from you can't access in the full game though and likely will never be able to.

If you're so fascinated with specs why not simply not buy any new gen consoles and upgrade your PC? You could have 4k right now on PC.

I don't like to play on PC.

I'm fine with consoles being underpowered compared with PC... I'm not fine stoped the evolution after from a gen to another.

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GAF is being fun right now with two sides.

Shit Shared site: They blame the low quality is due the Share PS4 feature
Share Feature is not bad: They say the Share PS4 feature is good enough and the game won't look a lot better than the pics.

The first side are in denial trying to defense AC saying the Share is really really bad... the second side started to post Share pics from TLOUR gameplay wasking "why the share is not downgrading TLOUR like AC?" lol lol lol

And there is an amazing new pic that I saved on my PC.

dane007 said:
ethomaz said:

The leaks give a explanation...

Copy from GAF.


Today The person who leaked the videos and screenshots yesterday of the PS4 version of Assassin's Creed Unity provided some much needed clarification on the screenshots that he leaked yesterday. With all the fud and hyperbole the person couldn't just sit there and watch. Here's what they had to say.

The images have been around the web. I see them all over again on foreign websites. Just like the video. It's a bit out of control ... and it saddens me a bit... 

The problem is that I see people tearing and criticize the game (especially on NeoGAF) and it becomes ridiculous. Some even wonder if the images were retouched. As they quote and translate my posts, I want to say that the images are taken directly from the screenshot function of the PS4 and that function deteriorates - a little - the images ... As I often take screenshots with FRAPS when I am gaming in 4K resolution, I can tell that the screenshot function of the PS4 is not very good. 

You have to know that the game is much better/beautiful when moving as shown in the videos. So, yes there are times when it's a bit ugly and others where it is very beautiful. You must understand that Ubisoft had to make a compromise between graphics and falling population density + animations streets and plenty of small details. When you will have your copy of the game and after you take a step back, you will realize that this game is really innovative in its way. I have never seen so many people, so many little animations and when I let the controller and listen to the conversations of the NPC, I can not imagine all the work that there is behind. 

Paris is huge, vibrant and deep and it is a success. Perhaps we will be entitled to a day one patch too. 

Well yes Ubisoft LIED on screenshots posted and published videos so far and it does not hesitate to criticize them. And the big point is the low quality textures in the distance. 

But this game is still beautiful, lively and really fun to play. I know the graphics are important to many people, but please guys... Ubisoft gives us an AC in France, in Paris during the French Revolution, be happy and enjoy the game... 

If someone from NeoGAF see my post, thank you to transcribe my remarks to temper some people's reactions - sometimes irrational -. AC Unity is a good game and I think people who already have it, can confirm. 

- For the "graphic gamer" : I play very often on a 4K TV 140cm with SLI Titan and yet I find that this an interesting game graphically speaking. It is limited by a 400 euros hardware so we must also take this into account. And frankly this game is an excellent value for money. 

Thank you for reading my post.


Damage PR control? I don't know... and even with the Share downgrade in the pics it is yet last-gen unglu and blurry. this is one minute gameplay video. Last gen graphics? Lol you wish ps3 and 360 could do those graphics. 

Are you kidding, no?

Even if it was 1080p, the game play looks like just another core AC game to me, which I was bored of after 3. Black flag's sailing kept AC4 fun but I hated getting off the ship and doing the annoying story missions. I also found the French revolution a boring subject in school, not eager to revisit that.

Maybe the reviews can still convince me the game play has been completely overhauled and I never have to see a follow / stay in range to eavesdrop mission ever again, nor the boring Animus crap.

Give me the battle of Salamis for example, that would be next-gen worthy

After black flag I would have liked to explore the Aegean sea in 400 BC. Maybe next one.

Can someone explain to me why this game is not coming out on PS3 or Xbox 360?
I fail to understand how this game is more graphically intensive than Black Flag.