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dane007 said:

Yea i remeber that as peopel wer eboasting how awesome it it to have a 1080p game ratehr then a 900p ryse lol. ryse and sunset overdrive are the two sharpest 900p games i have played lol. i was more impressed with ryse on hwo sharp it looked at launch a nd the same with sunset overdrive . That game is incredible sharp fro a open world 900p game.

Sorry I played Rayse and it is blurry... that was the first think I noticied when I played it... Forza 5 is sharper but it have crazy AA issues outside the cars (the cars are a little better)... more crazy yet was the DriveClub build I played early this year where the AA is pratically absent (I didn't played after).

SO I didn't played but images showed it is blurry too.

Seems like you don't know what is sharper.