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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Starfox 64 your thoughts :D

Im playing Starfox 64 and i forgot how much of a great game it was. What did you think of Starfox 64. What was your favorite level, what was your least favorite, and how much was your highest point total.

Favorite: Katina

Least Favorite: Aquas

I think my most points was 1450 somthing like that.

 Sorry if this thread has alrdy been made

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I don´t remember the levels,but I found it a great game...if there´s ever a new StarFox for the Wii,it should be more like this one,not like the one on the GC.

Favorite: Katina Least Favorite: Aquas Score: 1308

I forget the level name but it was the 3 or so level where there was a ton of dogfighting in all range mode and there was that ship that was moving in to destroy the building. Chaotic dogfighting, one of my favorite gaming experiences to date.

Least Fav? Don't remember at the moment.

This was my first game for the 64. GOd do I love it. All SF games after it have failed to capture what this game had. But, that seems for me to be the way all games for the 64 went. They sent a huge bench mark that GC and Wii games have trouble topping.

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I loved SF 64 back when it came out. The voice and the rumble pak blew me away. The music was a step down from the SNES original, but the game was great.

I downloaded the game recently, and I must say some of the luster has worn off. The dialog doesn't impress. The graphics are horrid, and the controls are pretty clunky. There's still some fun to be had, though.

I personally hate Aques, but love driving the Landmaster. I haven't tried for too high of a point total, but my old 64 cartridge scores had to be amongst the highest possible. I'd spend days plotting my route and perfecting my technique.

Been sooo long i don't remember, but my fav level would be the one where u got to blow the towers then wolf's gang comes in so u gotta fight them too.

I must be one of the few people who actually liked Aquas. I thought the slower pace of the Blue Marine was a welcome change from the fast, twitchy Arwing missions.

My favorite, though, is Solar. Those lava effects were amazing back in the day, and I love the intensity of the level as you try to survive the hot surface of the sun.

Least favorite? Zoness. Trying to shoot down those damn searchlights probably made me curse more than any other single video game level.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



It's the only game I downloaded that isn't as magnificant as I remember it. That's not to say it's not great, but I'd only rate it a 4/5 for VC standards, with several other games on the VC being better.

That said, favorite board is the second stage where you can hit the warp with a lot of skill, I love hitting that warp and doing the bonus stage. That's worth my 10 bucks right there.

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It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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