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Forums - Sales Discussion - Microsoft to overtake Nintendo in Home Console Sales this Century

Ka-pi96 said:
Xenostar said:
Seece said:

Since when was this a comparison? This is a thread about a shift about to take place.

Not really, presumably before the Wii and 360 came out, XBox was already ahead for this century, then they fell behind, seems like swings and roundabouts to me. This century will go on along time yet and i would not be surprised to see it swing back. 

Ofcourse if you include handhelds where Nintendo does most of its gaming business, its a crushing defeat for the MS gaming brand. 

Could you not say the same about Microsoft and PCs though?

Nope MS has closed down there gaming platform on PC. 

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Seece said:


Xbox - 24m
360 - 84.8m (EST)
XB1 - 7.4m (EST)

Total - 116.2m

N64 - 3.35m
Gamecube - 21.74m
Wii - 101.15m
WiiU - 6.68m

Total - 132.92m

Gap - 16.72m in Nintendo's favour.

So if some one going make a thread about total console sales not limited by years Nintendo will crush Xbox sales without mercy lol :D, but the tittle  is very smart  interesting to make discussion. But the question is, how does it affecting the future console, if you gonna make this kind of conclusion? What I know,  Nintendo brand  is still on par with PlayStation brand in video games industry, and also 21st century is not gonna over yet, maybe in 2018 Nintendo will release a new console.  If you want to make this kind of thread you should make it in the end of 21st with your own great great great great grand children Lol :D :D :D

Ka-pi96 said:
Xenostar said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Could you not say the same about Microsoft and PCs though?

Nope MS has closed down there gaming platform on PC. 

No, they haven't. GFWL is still up and running. Besides that, how many PC gamers do you think use Windows?

Yes Most use windows, but the gaming platform is Steam, Origin, Uplay, these are what sell the games, make the money. If GFWL is still running it must just be for legacy games, ive not heard of a new release on it in along time, as there switching to the windows app store. 

Im not going to suggest that MS dont make alot of money from selling windows to gamers, because they clearly do, but they have lost the gaming war on there own OS a long time ago, with dozens of gaming platforms sitting on top of it all bigger than there own GFWL.

XBox (the first one) really honestly should've sold 30 million or so if MS had not discontinued it prematurely too. It was outselling the GCN by a decent margin every month down the stretch.  

Wii was a bit of a fluke IMO, Nintendo's management has shown they're not nearly as smart as that so some luck had to be involved there. That plus they didn't have to compete against Apple/Google's app marketplace, from the time those have taken off (around late 2009) Nintendo has pretty much lost all the casual market. They can't compete against Apple.

The iPhone/iPad has brought gaming to far more casuals than the Wii could ever dream of and IMO keeps them consistently playing more often too, not the whole "we only play the Wii once or twice every month when the family gets together" thing. 

I can't believe this bothers so many people. Xbox will most likely get ahead, what difference does it make? I like MS!

I find it quite interesting that Nintendo is having so much trouble with their home console at the moment. Hopefully they finally do something about it.

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cannonballZ said:
I can't believe this bothers so many people. Xbox will most likely get ahead, what difference does it make? I like MS!

I find it quite interesting that Nintendo is having so much trouble with their home console at the moment. Hopefully they finally do something about it.

I'm beginning to think honestly short of a miracle gimmick there's not a whole lot they can do with regards to the home console. 

If they go the Fusion route, most everyone will likely just buy the portable variant, and the home version will be kind of a side accessorie in effect I think. 

I think honestly with the way iOS/Android continues to carve up not only the casual but kids market, Nintendo needs something more drastic than even the Fusion idea. 

They should team up with Sony IMO. There's no sense in competing just for the sake of competing, if they can get a sweetheart deal where Sony helps them with portables and they maybe throw a few games/amiibo support to the PS4 (which is going to sell 100 million), it would be for the best of the company. They need to start making money, and working with Sony IMO is a far more desirable avenue then eventually being forced to make $1 smartphone games under duress from shareholder pressure. 

They could still make their own portables, perhaps even a Wii/U/PS4 hybrid console, and maybe even get a cut of Sony's licensing fees in return for supporting them. For Sony it's good business too, they need something to make their smartphones stand out, if they could ever get Nintendo to support them in making a gaming phone, they'd be on a very good track and getting Nintendo games would basically effectively shut MS out of the business entirely (they can drop the X1 price all they want, it wouldn't matter). 

Soundwave said:
cannonballZ said:
I can't believe this bothers so many people. Xbox will most likely get ahead, what difference does it make? I like MS!

I find it quite interesting that Nintendo is having so much trouble with their home console at the moment. Hopefully they finally do something about it.

I'm beginning to think honestly short of a miracle gimmick there's not a whole lot they can do with regards to the home console. 

If they go the Fusion route, most everyone will likely just buy the portable variant, and the home version will be kind of a side accessorie in effect I think. 

I think honestly with the way iOS/Android continues to carve up not only the casual but kids market, Nintendo needs something more drastic than even the Fusion idea. 

They should team up with Sony IMO. There's no sense in competing just for the sake of competing, if they can get a sweetheart deal where Sony helps them with portables and they maybe throw a few games/amiibo support to the PS4 (which is going to sell 100 million), it would be for the best of the company. They need to start making money, and working with Sony IMO is a far more desirable avenue then eventually being forced to make $1 smartphone games under duress from shareholder pressure. 

So it's like the proverb of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend " Lol, i like that sound :D :D :D. While Sony handled the home console and Nintendo do the handled :D perfect .

Seece said:

In case you failed to read the OP, we're talking about what is shipped 2000 onwards. I've already stated that the majority of those N64 were shipped before that year.

And where did I say MS is catching up to Nintendo home consoles total? The thread title lays things out perfectly clear. MS Vs Nintendo since 2000.

In case YOU failed to read I stated that it is foolish to compare that totality of the XBOX home console sales to just 4 Nintendo home consoles.  Where did you say that MS is catching up to Nintendo?

Microsoft to overtake Nintendo in Home Console Sales this Century

Now if MS is to 'overtake' Nintendo in Home Console Sales this century AS YOU SAY, it certainly isn't LOSING any ground.  Not sure how you handle arithmetic but for me it's a pretty transparent concept.  Red herrings don't change that fact.  The point is that you post had no point and numerous others in this thread have pointed out.  MS isn't coming anywhere close to overtaking Nintendo in home consoles and of course Sony is dominating both companies.  Those are the facts.  Sorry to break it to you. 

We are done here.

cannonballZ said:

I find it quite interesting that Nintendo is having so much trouble with their home console at the moment. Hopefully they finally do something about it.

I recommend taking it out back and ending its misery.

the_dengle said:

Thread title is funny, I was expecting something a bit different. Haha.

Why use estimated numbers for 360 & XBO? Why not simply use the most recent figures?

Because he has to bend the goal posts to make his side look better :P.