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Forums - Sales Discussion - WW hardware + US software 18th October 2014

Ka-pi96 said:
Aerys said:

We dont know yet about that, PS4 has 0 real system seller for the moment. We'll have a small idea of the situation there in February and march. We cant say that only based on Wii U sales, remember we were saying the same thing about the whole gaming industry based on Wii U sales in the world , people thought consoles were doomed before next gen launch

Yeah... but when aren't people saying consoles are doomed?

I don't recall much talk about consoles being doomed in the previous two or three generations at least. 

Partly because the industry has grown each successive gen for a while 

SNES + Genesis + Turbo Grafx 16 = 92 million (approx)

Playstation + N64 + Saturn = 144 million (approx)

PS2 + GCN + XBox = 197 million

Wii + 360 + PS3 = 270 million

This gen will mark the first time we'll see a fairly large decline I think. 

Around the Network

At this rate, the 20M prediction for PS4 many are preaching about, seems more and more plausible. November is going to be big in NA, and December in EU!

...Let the Sony Domination continue with the PS4...
Ka-pi96 said:
Soundwave said:
Ka-pi96 said:

Yeah... but when aren't people saying consoles are doomed?

I don't recall much talk about consoles being doomed in the previous two or three generations at least. 

Partly because the industry has grown each successive gen for a while 

SNES + Genesis = 82 million

Playstation + N64 = 133 million

PS2 + GCN + XBox = 197 million

Wii + 360 + PS3 = 270 million

This gen will mark the first time we'll see a fairly large decline I think. 

I just remember them being 'doomed' for a long time. Before that it was PC gaming that was 'doomed', look how that turned out
Oh and lets not forget all the Ouya like consoles that claimed they were going to destroy Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo... yeah... that totally didn't happen

I don't think they're "doomed" but they are definitely on a decline and probably eventually headed towards being phased out especially if broadband caps in the US start to ease with fibreoptic. Like I do think there will be a Playstation 5 ... but a Playstation 6? Not so sure. There may not be a need for physical hardware in the traditional sense by then. 

I think this gen will end something like this ...

100 million (PS4) + 40 million (XB1) + 19 million (Wii U)

so wii u up!wii u is going to be again yoy up for sixth consecutive month!Also wii u refused to go back in 20-30k...some games are used to give a pre week boost...along with the day of release,so the woman with the hot legs gave that boost,i m looking forward to this week sales!i wont my prediction to come true ,like did in july August and September!Also, bayonetta s week doesnt include just dance and the voice wii u? japan might have a boost with kirby game release in japan,on 28 th of october!they like kirby a lot!

(i want') sorry i couldn t edit my mistake from my mobile!have pac man wii u released?

Around the Network
OfficerRaichu15 said:
Troll_Whisperer said:
shogunknight said:
Wow, ps4 is almost at 12.5 million. It sold so many units in Europe and N.America (isnt this driveclubs 2nd week?). I guess it may clock 15m by end of this year. XB1 did good too. That new Monster Hunter and New 3ds demand, wonder how much of a bump 3ds would have when Pokemon ORAS gets released next month

15m by the end of the year would be a catastrophe of epic proportions, it would actually have to slow down. Sales are really heavily skewed toward November and December and the PS4 is most probably going to sell around or over 1m a couple of weeks in December. Expect no less than 18m.

ill be one of those 18 million this christmas :)

Same :) but it will probably be 20 millions.

Wii U still pitiful, but glad 3DS is still above 200k for another week.

Nothing stopping PS4 it seems.

Soundwave said:

I don't recall much talk about consoles being doomed in the previous two or three generations at least. 

Partly because the industry has grown each successive gen for a while 

SNES + Genesis + Turbo Grafx 16 = 92 million (approx)

Playstation + N64 + Saturn = 144 million (approx)

PS2 + GCN + XBox = 197 million

Wii + 360 + PS3 = 270 million

This gen will mark the first time we'll see a fairly large decline I think. 

Am I the only one that doesn't see a decline in total number of consoles sold as a bad thing?

The "gaming industry" is very different this gen than it was every other gen before it. Primarily because this gen theer is a an outlet for casual gamers. some of which would have picked up a console that now simply wouldn't need to. That does not mean the next GTA will not sell 30M+ copies. Nor does it mean that the next COD, FIFA or Madden or AC will sell any less than they typically do.

I think thats what all the naysayers seem to forget. Consoles does not have to sell 200M+ or more than they did the previous generation to be deemed viable or successful. 100M wii consoles sold didn't stop nintendo from jumpstarting the current gen. I will truly worryabout the gaming industry when the big selling games start to sell around half of what they typically used to sell. Till that day, the gaming industry is just fine.

I mean if only 50M people buy a PS4, but these 50M people buy an average of 10 games each per year. Then the PS4 will still end up being the most profitable and successful console sony has ever made.

Aerys said:
AZWification said:
Aerys said:
AZWification said:

When only one system is doing well in Japan, yup, it's over... :/

Dont worry, PS4 will save home console there :)

Let's hope, because things aren't look good at all for home consoels in Japan..

We dont know yet about that, PS4 has 0 real system seller for the moment. We'll have a small idea of the situation there in February and march. We cant say that only based on Wii U sales, remember we were saying the same thing about the whole gaming industry based on Wii U sales in the world , people thought consoles were doomed before next gen launch

MGS,Dragon quest,bloodborne will all be system sellers

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

Now if only Sony would advertise the z3 with the ps4....

