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Soundwave said:

I don't recall much talk about consoles being doomed in the previous two or three generations at least. 

Partly because the industry has grown each successive gen for a while 

SNES + Genesis + Turbo Grafx 16 = 92 million (approx)

Playstation + N64 + Saturn = 144 million (approx)

PS2 + GCN + XBox = 197 million

Wii + 360 + PS3 = 270 million

This gen will mark the first time we'll see a fairly large decline I think. 

Am I the only one that doesn't see a decline in total number of consoles sold as a bad thing?

The "gaming industry" is very different this gen than it was every other gen before it. Primarily because this gen theer is a an outlet for casual gamers. some of which would have picked up a console that now simply wouldn't need to. That does not mean the next GTA will not sell 30M+ copies. Nor does it mean that the next COD, FIFA or Madden or AC will sell any less than they typically do.

I think thats what all the naysayers seem to forget. Consoles does not have to sell 200M+ or more than they did the previous generation to be deemed viable or successful. 100M wii consoles sold didn't stop nintendo from jumpstarting the current gen. I will truly worryabout the gaming industry when the big selling games start to sell around half of what they typically used to sell. Till that day, the gaming industry is just fine.

I mean if only 50M people buy a PS4, but these 50M people buy an average of 10 games each per year. Then the PS4 will still end up being the most profitable and successful console sony has ever made.