fatslob-:O said:
curl-6 said:
Okay guys... first of all

Secondly, this isn't news; the tweets in question are from months ago.
I am slowly getting more and more uptight in this thread ...
Again what your posting ISN'T relevant to the situation at hand ...
You CAN'T apply triple buffering to G-buffers! If you can't grasp that then I think were done here ...
Reading it again it might be triple buffering for the framebuffer as they mention that they need them for the deffered rendering and so the g buffer may be a separate thing. As for that i give you the reason, but that doenst men that deffered rendering doesnt give much better performance as you claimed it didnt
Still, its quite surprising they can do triple buffering with 10.8MB of edram memory bandwidth when the xbox 360 could only do double buffering with the 10MB of edram that provided 256GB/s of internal bandwidth for the render targets, not to mention that they dont stop there, they use triple framebuffers, a gbuffer for the deffered rendering and post processing effects and even intermediate buffers; clearly you need a lot bandwidth for all those buffers