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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How to play as Bayonetta in a game that's not Bayonetta 1 on the PS3 or Xbox 360

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Are you having fun playing as Bayonetta in a game that's not Bayonetta 1?

Nope.avi 5 71.43%
Yesh! 2 28.57%
Bristow9091 said:
fleischr said:
Bristow9091 said:
... Or y'know, if you own LittleBigPlanet 2 (Or 3 when it comes out) you could use the Controlinator to create a Bayonetta character and map down some attacks to your Dualshock face buttons and such, and create a level where you actually fight enemies and such... a little imagination never hurt anyone ;)

You'll need a very good imagination then!

Or y'know... just basic knowledge of how to build things and how the tools work in the game, lol.

I just imagined Kamiya saying something like this on twitter


"Ask Ninty. Then go do it yourself. Then fuck off @pg_kamiya Is it possible we'll ever see Bayonetta 2 on a platform that's not the Wii U?"

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016

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Create her in a WWE game. Anyway, I got Anwrchy Reigns. Bout the Bayonetta dlc but it's only for multi-player. Haven't even used her yet. Possible that I never will.

sundin13 said:
Squeezol said:
sundin13 said:
Not entirely sure what this thread is in response to, but Anarchy Reigns deserves more love so I'll just let it happen

It's in response to people who want to play as Bayonetta outside of Bayonetta 1.


Not that I know any myself, but there you go.

...Bayonetta 2?

I dunz get it .-.

Welllll, yeah, but that game hasn't released here yet. But I honestly don't get it either.

get tekken tag 2..... on x box,... decal Zafina to look like her....