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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Official PlayStation 3 Exclusives list...

makingmusic476 said:
Munkeh111 said:
DogWeed said:
jak 4?

Unnanounced, ND's next game is almost certainly coming in 2009, and it is strongly rumoured to be Uncharted 2, as Christian Balladestra (co-president) said in an interview that they are starting work on Uncharted 2, but there have been no official announcements

I'd love a Jak 4, but I'd be fine either way.  With the release of Uncharted, ND proved yet again why they are one of my favorite developers.

Some people thought they went off the boil with Jak 2 and 3, but that was a brilliant trilogy, and I would very happily take another Jak game


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So I'm trying to decide whether or not to include BlazBlue in this list. It's an arcade game that Famitsu said was coming to ps3 a few months ago, but it still hasn't officially been announced for consoles.

It certainly looks awesome, though:

I guess it could go under the same category as MLB 08 and The Agency makingmusic?

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

outlawauron said:
I guess it could go under the same category as MLB 08 and The Agency makingmusic?

My issue isn't the fact that it's on arcade as well, but that it's not 100% certain it will be on ps3, nor is it certain that it will be exclusive.

makingmusic476 said:
So I'm trying to decide whether or not to include BlazBlue in this list. It's an arcade game that Famitsu said was coming to ps3 a few months ago, but it still hasn't officially been announced for consoles.

It certainly looks awesome, though:

Wow, those screens are beautiful.

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Well, I've done some research, and BlazBlue is definitely coming to ps3. The only issue is that it may be a PSN title (though I doubt that), but I'm adding it to the list anyway, for now.

Also, from what I can tell it will be hitting in 2008.

I think Naughty Dog saw how Ratchet & Clank performed, added with the PS3 fanbase, and is a bit hesitant to work on Jak.

Not that it's a bad thing though, Uncharted is amazing.

Sony has major problems with delays I don't know how long its been between FF11 and 13.  GT 5 and tekken sound good i am just not iterested in fighter and drivers anymore.  I get someone else to fight and order someone else to drive.

Love is whats most important.


good list

I can't wait for Tekken 6