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RolStoppable said:

Here is how you are supposed to moderate:

So what is the common sense ruling in this specific case? You allow the community to decide. You open a thread and detail the case, then people can vote (via posts, of course) on the issue. After three to seven days (whatever timeframe seems most reasonable to you), you tally up the votes, lock the thread and bookmark it. So in case that the name stays, anytime somebody asks why an exception was granted, you can post the link to the community vote.

The mod team is best of by acting in the interest of the community. You will never be able to please everyone, but you can please a majority. That's common sense.

+ 1.

Around the Network
Smeags said:
Einsam_Delphin said:

All that text, no explanation of how overly restricting usernames benefits anyone. Also, Jizz to semen is like Heck to Hell, crap to S***, butt to a**, etc.

Here, I'll repost it so you don't miss it again:

  • Titles cannot have inappropriate language
  • Avatars and Signatures must be PG-Rated
  • NSFW content seperated from the main forums
  • And in the guidelines, offensive names are asked to be removed

This has all been part of our rules and guidelines for the past six years, and I believe that it plays an important part in how we approach VGChartz. We allow anyone and everyone to access the website, whether they're kids or adults, whether they're at home or in public. If you would like to delve deeper and choose to view more mature content, then you can participate with that as you choose to.

And if you believe that the term Jizz isn't inappropriate, then there's no use in discussing this futher. We'd just be wasting each other's time.

What, you believe you can't have a widely appealing site without being overly restrictive or something? Otherwise that doesn't answer my question. If his name was "I'm jizzing all over you!" then sure, but as it is it's pretty harmless as shown by how the majority here has had no problem with it.

RolStoppable said:
Smeags said:

Here is how you are supposed to moderate:

So what is the common sense ruling in this specific case? You allow the community to decide. You open a thread and detail the case, then people can vote (via posts, of course) on the issue. After three to seven days (whatever timeframe seems most reasonable to you), you tally up the votes, lock the thread and bookmark it. So in case that the name stays, anytime somebody asks why an exception was granted, you can post the link to the community vote.

The mod team is best of by acting in the interest of the community. You will never be able to please everyone, but you can please a majority. That's common sense.


Einsam_Delphin said:

What, you believe you can't have a widely appealing site without being overly restrictive or something? Otherwise that doesn't answer my question. If his name was "I'm jizzing all over you!" then sure, but as it is it's pretty harmless as shown by how the majority here has had no problem with it.

Ok, you know what a jizz beard is right?  His username basically is I'm jizzing all over you...

RolStoppable said:

Here is how you are supposed to moderate:

So what is the common sense ruling in this specific case? You allow the community to decide. You open a thread and detail the case, then people can vote (via posts, of course) on the issue. After three to seven days (whatever timeframe seems most reasonable to you), you tally up the votes, lock the thread and bookmark it. So in case that the name stays, anytime somebody asks why an exception was granted, you can post the link to the community vote.

The mod team is best of by acting in the interest of the community. You will never be able to please everyone, but you can please a majority. That's common sense.

The Mod Team's main role is to promote a healthy community, which can include serving it, but that is not our primary role. It's why the mod team, and not the entire community, drafted the edits and rewordings of the new forum rules (otherwise we would serve the majority of the site). It's why we take the time to go through applications, see a user's history, and discuss and debate whether a particular user will be a great mod. Not only to serve the community, but to promote a constructive and healthy one.

And why would we stop with this instance for a community vote? This wont be the only highly contested issue that we face, so what's the logic for stopping with this issue? Again, this forum isn't a democracy. It's a dictatorship.

It's honestly the last I'm goint to talk about this. Although there is one last thing I'll do before I close the door. Depending on that, we'll make our final decision. I will say that the final say won't be mine.

Around the Network
gergroy said:
Einsam_Delphin said:

What, you believe you can't have a widely appealing site without being overly restrictive or something? Otherwise that doesn't answer my question. If his name was "I'm jizzing all over you!" then sure, but as it is it's pretty harmless as shown by how the majority here has had no problem with it.

Ok, you know what a jizz beard is right?  His username basically is I'm jizzing all over you...

greg, what did jizz change his name too? 

Kerotan said:
gergroy said:

Ok, you know what a jizz beard is right?  His username basically is I'm jizzing all over you...

greg, what did jizz change his name too? 


Smeags said:
RolStoppable said:

Here is how you are supposed to moderate:

So what is the common sense ruling in this specific case? You allow the community to decide. You open a thread and detail the case, then people can vote (via posts, of course) on the issue. After three to seven days (whatever timeframe seems most reasonable to you), you tally up the votes, lock the thread and bookmark it. So in case that the name stays, anytime somebody asks why an exception was granted, you can post the link to the community vote.

The mod team is best of by acting in the interest of the community. You will never be able to please everyone, but you can please a majority. That's common sense.

The Mod Team's main role is to promote a healthy community, which can include serving it, but that is not our primary role. It's why the mod team, and not the entire community, drafted the edits and rewordings of the new forum rules (otherwise we would serve the majority of the site). It's why we take the time to go through applications, see a user's history, and discuss and debate whether a particular user will be a great mod. Not only to serve the community, but to promote a constructive and healthy one.

And why would we stop with this instance for a community vote? This wont be the only highly contested issue that we face, so what's the logic for stopping with this issue? Again, this forum isn't a democracy. It's a dictatorship.

It's honestly the last I'm goint to talk about this. Although there is one last thing I'll do before I close the door. Depending on that, we'll make our final decision. I will say that the final say won't be mine.

Like I have said before in this thread smeags, I think you guys need to be all in on whatever decision you make.  Honestly, I personally think you guys made the right call removing inappropritate names, but if jizz beard is allowed to keep his name, then others should be as well.  No point having one exception to the rule around as the problem would still be there so you might as well allow others as well...

Smeags said:
RolStoppable said:

this forum isn't a democracy. It's a dictatorship.

And with that, the little respect I had left for the mod team, gone in an instant! Atleast they finally decided to just openly admit it. Unfortunately though all hope of Jizz Beard staying is lost. T_T

RolStoppable said:
Smeags said:

The Mod Team's main role is to promote a healthy community, which can include serving it, but that is not our primary role. It's why the mod team, and not the entire community, drafted the edits and rewordings of the new forum rules (otherwise we would serve the majority of the site). It's why we take the time to go through applications, see a user's history, and discuss and debate whether a particular user will be a great mod. Not only to serve the community, but to promote a constructive and healthy one.

And why would we stop with this instance for a community vote? This wont be the only highly contested issue that we face, so what's the logic for stopping with this issue? Again, this forum isn't a democracy. It's a dictatorship.

It's honestly the last I'm goint to talk about this. Although there is one last thing I'll do before I close the door. Depending on that, we'll make our final decision. I will say that the final say won't be mine.

The logic can be found in the same thread that I already linked to. While it's true that the mod team drafted the edits and rewordings of the new forum rules, further adjustments were made once the rules were presented to the community, and those changes happened because of the wishes of the community. In other words, I don't buy it that this is a dictatorship. Not just because even the most recent facts say otherwise, but also because all of the mods came from within this community and never from outside.

Uhhh, it is absolutely a dictatorship.  If ioi wanted to he could completely scrap any of the rules.  If ioi want to he could permaban any member of this forum for no reason.  Etc.  He is just a very hands off/absent dictator, but a dictator he is!