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Conegamer said:

Why should it need to be elaborated? Smeags just gave examples of a couple of scenarios where the name could be seen as inappropriate, if you merely glance at the screen. So the user has been asked to change their name. It's not an attack on the user, far from it. 

Cause I don't understand ? 

I can;t see how anyone would be offended of a name unless it's meant for trolling ...

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Oh and i couldn't even use the same email address when i made this account? I had create another one which is another hassle. So if i do make another account i'm going to have to yet gain make another  email address.

Formerly ilovegirls69  :(

Smeags said:

A mom sees a son talking with a user named IlikeGirls69. Son is done with the site.

Student is at an internet cafe, with strangers seeing that he's talking to IlikeGirls69. Student doesn't want to go on the site in public places.

It goes in line with why we've always enforced rules for Avatars, Signatures. You're able to view these no matter where you go on these forums, so they need to be appropriate for public use.

@Bold What exactly is the issue there ? 

@Italics That's his business, not OURs! 

@Underlined I can understand Avatars and signatures for the principle that they can have graphic images but how is a name offensive ? 

Ka-pi96 said:

Yeah, that seems pretty harsh. Especially over 3 months after the account was made.

This site isn't supposed to treat outsiders like a their a bunch of babies ... It's getting downright ridiculous ...

i don't see why the mod team couldn't just outright permaban jizz and I for inappropirate names cause we're beeing more explicit about it ...

fatslob-:O said:
Smeags said:

A mom sees a son talking with a user named IlikeGirls69. Son is done with the site.

Student is at an internet cafe, with strangers seeing that he's talking to IlikeGirls69. Student doesn't want to go on the site in public places.

It goes in line with why we've always enforced rules for Avatars, Signatures. You're able to view these no matter where you go on these forums, so they need to be appropriate for public use.

@Bold What exactly is the issue there ? 

@Italics That's his business, not OURs! 

@Underlined I can understand Avatars and signatures for the principle that they can have graphic images but how is a name offensive ? 

Well, if my mom had caught me on a site where somebody had a user name like that, I can guarantee you she would have probably taken my comuter use away and blocked the site.

i also had issues accessing this site at work because of avatars in the past, I also had a run in with my girlfriend about it as well.  This crap does have serious implications to a lot users being able to access this site!

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gergroy said:

Well, if my mom had caught me on a site where somebody had a user name like that, I can guarantee you she would have probably taken my comuter use away and blocked the site.

i also had issues accessing this site at work because of avatars in the past, I also had a run in with my girlfriend about it as well.  This crap does have serious implications to a lot users being able to access this site!

@Bold Well then that's the kids problem ... The internets a free place so if mom doesn't want the boy getting involved then that's the end of it. No need to involve ourselves any further ... 

@Underlined I don't see why users couldn't just find a better time ...

I'm glad all of you aren't troubled by his name. Or that you're fine with scantily clad women and men as avatars and signatures. That's fine. I've got no issues with that.

But VGChartz was created to be the forum home to everyone out there. From that boy at his house to the student at the internet cafe. So we try to make the site as inviting as it can be, which means that we have users edit out inapproprite avatars/signatures, or in a case of a name, have the user change it through the creation of a new account. We want the appearance of this site to be professional as it can be, so that it can be as appealing to potential forum goers. This is also why we are harsh on those who post/link porn. It hurts this site's image as a whole, and we can't have that.

fatslob-:O said:
gergroy said:

Well, if my mom had caught me on a site where somebody had a user name like that, I can guarantee you she would have probably taken my comuter use away and blocked the site.

i also had issues accessing this site at work because of avatars in the past, I also had a run in with my girlfriend about it as well.  This crap does have serious implications to a lot users being able to access this site!

@Bold Well then that's the kids problem ... The internets a free place so if mom doesn't want the boy getting involved then that's the end of it. No need to involve ourselves any further ... 

@Underlined I don't see why users couldn't just find a better time ...

the internet is a free place, and this site free to have a policy of not letting nsfw content so that it can be open to more people in different situations.  That is their right no?  

Ka-pi96 said:

Yeah, I was actually thinking about jokingly commenting you could be next because some fat slob somewhere was offended

This is kind of a silly one, kind of reminds me of those Australian stores refusing to sell GTA anymore for 'political correctness' (although at least they had a petition asking them to do so, I very much doubt that is the case here).

@Bold Hahaha, that was a funny proposition ... XD 

It doesn't make any sense in the end ...

Ka-pi96 said:

I don't think that argument really works for usernames though. I mean, swearing is allowed on this forum. Anybody can use any swear words they want (as long as they aren't directly insulting someone) so if posts like that are completely fine why can't a the username 'ilikegirls69' be fine? It's suggestive yes, but do you think someone would be more upset about that or a post with a swearword in every sentence (which is perfectly within the rules).

Because that swear word isn't everywhere the user goes.

It's why swear words aren't allowed in thread titles.

Even if Ilikegirls69 posts the most unoffensive post ever, the name "ilikegirls69" is still there.