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Why was this post moderated:

Was it the last sentence that cause the moderation? 

Proud to be a Californian.

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Kerotan said:
If somebody makes a bitter reply to me is it OK to start my reply with "no need to be bitter " or "no need for the bitter reply "?

I'm asking because I asked if half life 3 could come to consoles or be steam exclusive and i got a few posters throwing tantrums instead of just answering the question honestl.

No. It is not OK. It is such comments that will rile up other users and end up getting you and everyone else banned. Just report the post or try to reply in a friendly manner to steer the conversation back on topic.

And yes darkenergy, I put in a thread warning saying that future Movie comments would be moderated, and he then trolls the title with that line. Some comparisons are fine, but when every post is around that and things start to spiral out of control you have to take action.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

One of these days I'll figure out why spambots target the thread the mods watch the most - Conegamer

Conegamer said:
Kerotan said:
If somebody makes a bitter reply to me is it OK to start my reply with "no need to be bitter " or "no need for the bitter reply "?

I'm asking because I asked if half life 3 could come to consoles or be steam exclusive and i got a few posters throwing tantrums instead of just answering the question honestl.

No. It is not OK. It is such comments that will rile up other users and end up getting you and everyone else banned. Just report the post or try to reply in a friendly manner to steer the conversation back on topic.

And yes darkenergy, I put in a thread warning saying that future Movie comments would be moderated, and he then trolls the title with that line. Some comparisons are fine, but when every post is around that and things start to spiral out of control you have to take action.

I didn't notice the "movie comparison" warning in that thread, so thanks for the explanation.

Proud to be a Californian.

Conegamer said:
Kerotan said:
If somebody makes a bitter reply to me is it OK to start my reply with "no need to be bitter " or "no need for the bitter reply "?

I'm asking because I asked if half life 3 could come to consoles or be steam exclusive and i got a few posters throwing tantrums instead of just answering the question honestl.

No. It is not OK. It is such comments that will rile up other users and end up getting you and everyone else banned. Just report the post or try to reply in a friendly manner to steer the conversation back on topic.

And yes darkenergy, I put in a thread warning saying that future Movie comments would be moderated, and he then trolls the title with that line. Some comparisons are fine, but when every post is around that and things start to spiral out of control you have to take action.

The problem is I don't think they are moderation worthy.  But instead of giving me an honest answer they go on about other shit.  I'll report one of them now and see what you think.  


But my question still remains.  How do I reply to such comments?  I still haven't gotten an answer just a snarkey comment so it's hard to continue in the thread when met with such hostility. 

Around the Network
Kerotan said:
Conegamer said:

No. It is not OK. It is such comments that will rile up other users and end up getting you and everyone else banned. Just report the post or try to reply in a friendly manner to steer the conversation back on topic.

And yes darkenergy, I put in a thread warning saying that future Movie comments would be moderated, and he then trolls the title with that line. Some comparisons are fine, but when every post is around that and things start to spiral out of control you have to take action.

The problem is I don't think they are moderation worthy.  But instead of giving me an honest answer they go on about other shit.  I'll report one of them now and see what you think.  


But my question still remains.  How do I reply to such comments?  I still haven't gotten an answer just a snarkey comment so it's hard to continue in the thread when met with such hostility. 

Then just don't reply at all. Be the better man and just walk away, rather than aggrovating further. If you do that then there won't be any arguments and "snarky" comments will disappear soon enough.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

I sent a message expressing the bad moderation in this topic.

ethomaz said:
I sent a message expressing the bad moderation in this topic.

Yep, and we're talking about it.

(I just woke up, I'm not feeling too well @_@)

Can I ask about this moderation? Is it really bad when most of us in this thread are joking about Phil Harrison? It didn't really stand out as being any different than light hearted banter. Having said that I don't know his mod history, just throwing it out there.

Kerotan said:

Can I ask about this moderation? Is it really bad when most of us in this thread are joking about Phil Harrison? It didn't really stand out as being any different than light hearted banter. Having said that I don't know his mod history, just throwing it out there.

It is as Kapi said. Also his low post count and high trolling MS levels helped sway the decision.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.