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DexInDaJungle said:
Einsam_Delphin said:

How exactly can you just accept this, that the mods can do whatever they want without a single care in the world for the community. I mean this very thread can be seen as trolling the userbase, what with it asking for our opinions despite having no meaning to them. Dictatorship in any and all forms are bad, especially here considering this site only exist because of the community, so it's just appalling that they think they can abuse it. I'm sure most here don't care enough/aren't aware so they'll stay for now, but I wont be continuing to support such a backwards site.

You know how companies take surveys for their products? It's the same thing if you think about it. Just because we give our opinions doesn't mean the mods or even admins have to agree with them. Sometimes people might point out certain things that will convince the mods to reconsider their decisions but this thread is certainly not here so that we the community can just tell the mods how to run things.

Hardly comparable due to size n scope and how we can't communicate with other survey takers or the company directly. Regardless, no one would be happy if a company just came out and said yeah we don't give a hoot about what our customers think.

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Einsam_Delphin said:
DexInDaJungle said:

You know how companies take surveys for their products? It's the same thing if you think about it. Just because we give our opinions doesn't mean the mods or even admins have to agree with them. Sometimes people might point out certain things that will convince the mods to reconsider their decisions but this thread is certainly not here so that we the community can just tell the mods how to run things.

Hardly comparable due to size n scope and how we can't communicate with other survey takers or the company directly. Regardless, no one would be happy if a company just came out and said yeah we don't give a hoot about what our customers think.

When did the mods say they don't care what we think. They have stated they don't agree with some of your opinions and they feel this is the best way to do things. Not agreeing =/= Not caring about our opinions.

Mr.Playstation said:
Listen how about we make a thread, which consists of everyone who is against Jizz having his name changed writing down his name. If the mods then don't back down everyone who wrote down their name logs out and doesn't log in until the mods agree. If we get enough active members we'll end up winning.


Or they won't back down and half the community will leave instead of one person. You're all upset that Jizz might leave and then threaten to leave as well, you're not really solving anything by doing this.

Einsam_Delphin said:

How exactly can you just accept this, that the mods can do whatever they want without a single care in the world for the community. I mean this very thread can be seen as trolling the userbase, what with it asking for our opinions despite having no meaning to them. Dictatorship in any and all forms are bad, especially here considering this site only exist because of the community, so it's just appalling that they think they can abuse it. I'm sure most here don't care enough/aren't aware so they'll stay for now, but I wont be continuing to support such a backwards site.

Your view of how this website (and for the matter, most internet forums) works is the only thing that's a bit backwards.

This site exists because ioi wanted to create website about global video game sales data. gamrConnect (and therefore the community) is a branch of VGChartz. In no way, shape, or form did this site first come to be because of the "community". I'm not saying that to put down the community here, as it's why I chose to be part of the VGChartz family, and why I am a moderator for it. But those are the facts.

ioi made the site, and we answer to ioi.

A dictatorship is described as the following:

  1. government by a dictator.
  2. a country governed by a dictator.
  3. absolute authority in any sphere.

Since ioi created this site, he has absolute authority of this site. A dictator, if you will.

Evilore from NeoGAF has absolute authority of his site. A dictator.

IGN Staff have absolute authority over the IGN boards. Dictators.

I can go on.

For you to say that "Dictatorship in any and all forms are bad" is a bit naive, especially if you're part of an internet community overseen by a parent website. And your never ending tirade is getting tiring too.

And with that, the little respect I had left for the mod team, gone in an instant!
they don't care about what the community thinks.
Mods just felt like toying with us for a bit, giving us a slim hope that they could be reasoned with.
admitting that nothing we say ever mattered, so with that we're done here!

The amount of reaching you're making is quite honestly absurd. In some great awkward leap to conclusions, you've made some completely unfounded and deluded (as in, a misleading belief. I'm choosing my words here) judgment call about the entire team and our purpose for being here. We are here because of the community. We are here to support the community. There are many ways to be involved in the community, and being a Moderator is one of them. So stop spouting (as in, expressing one's views or ideas in a lengthy, declamatory, and unreflecting way) your unfounded and plainly wrong words. It's really getting you nowhere.

For some advice, there are multiple sites out there which allow you to create your own forum, free of those dictators that you're worried about. It's a great place to start up a community of your own (Once upon a time I was part of one between NSider [in which Nintendo were the dictators] and here.). Since you say you won't be here soon, I wish you the best.

Mr.Playstation said:
Listen how about we make a thread, which consists of everyone who is against Jizz having his name changed writing down his name. If the mods then don't back down everyone who wrote down their name logs out and doesn't log in until the mods agree. If we get enough active members we'll end up winning.


I believe this was a suggestion from earlier in the thread, and whilst it works in principle I don't think it's the best solution to the problem.

As an aside, I agree with Moreno and green_sky. We might disagree but this doesn't seem to be arriving at a conclusion. 


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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So, can't somebody just contact ioi and ask his opinion on it? Then it will be settled once and for all.


DexInDaJungle said:
Einsam_Delphin said:

Hardly comparable due to size n scope and how we can't communicate with other survey takers or the company directly. Regardless, no one would be happy if a company just came out and said yeah we don't give a hoot about what our customers think.

When did the mods say they don't care what we think. They have stated they don't agree with some of your opinions and they feel this is the best way to do things. Not agreeing =/= Not caring about our opinions.

Oh, so you didn't actually read the discussion then...

VGPolyglot said:
So, can't somebody just contact ioi and ask his opinion on it? Then it will be settled once and for all.


I think it's best not to since I have a feeling he'll be against Wizz keeping his original name ...

Please Ignore, I had things mixed up


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

DexInDaJungle said:
Mr.Playstation said:
Listen how about we make a thread, which consists of everyone who is against Jizz having his name changed writing down his name. If the mods then don't back down everyone who wrote down their name logs out and doesn't log in until the mods agree. If we get enough active members we'll end up winning.


Or they won't back down and half the community will leave instead of one person. You're all upset that Jizz might leave and then threaten to leave as well, you're not really solving anything by doing this.

This is already one very very small community. Sometimes going down to only a couple of members online. If halt the community leaves this will be an almost inactive forum and then the mods will have to leave Jizz with his original name. 


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