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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The "Negative MS Press Goes Here" Thread.

Rock_on_2008 said:
When are MS going to release the new RROD free XBox 360 model, 100% non failure rate that will still be alive in three years time? 1 in 3 failure rate XBox 360 is a joke. The three year warranty issued last July is not going to help the three million Xbox 360 users whose console died before July last year. MS do not care for customer service.

I don't think anyone is listening to you Rock. You should go to the RROD thread for Microsoft. Erm... wait you are not allowed to do that anymore. I guess you're screwed.



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Astrodust said:
super_etecoon said:
Astrodust said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
super_etecoon said:
I say a big censorship sucks WTF to this thread. I don't even care one way or the other....but this is the ultimate in whining.

Because mods are useless and censorship sucks, console bashing hate-speech is the only way to fly.


Go back to your commune hippie.


I'm not sure where it is you gathered "mods suck" from my post? Somehow the OP thinks that MS is being handed a raw deal here on VGChartz...yet every other thread is an attack against Nintendo and their Blue-Ocean Casuals are Killing the Hardcores rant. Do you know what we do....we either ignore it or respond with our own commentary. Big deal. The idea of cleaning up the site from bad publicity for a console maker is just asinine and deserves the ridicule it is receiving in this thread.

I think he was being facetious. At least that's what I took from reading his earlier posts. It's like" Lets chase these treehuggers from our forum!" facetious sarcasm detector appears to be showing signs of RROD.

Amazing I request all the anti-MS posts to go in one place, and everyone then attacks me, and such.

Should I then start posting every anti-Wii post in the Nintendo forum?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

mrstickball said:
Amazing I request all the anti-MS posts to go in one place, and everyone then attacks me, and such.

Should I then start posting every anti-Wii post in the Nintendo forum?

As long as you do it with a civil tone I see absolutely nothing wrong with negative posts about the Wii or DS inside of the Nintendo forum.

You weren't talking about opinions though Stick.....negative opinion threads should indeed be confined to some area so each one doesn't start a new little console war. But you said "Negative MS Press" which implies that you want any news that could be seen as putting Microsoft in a bad light to be put in a single area, which is not the right way to go about it.

If you have legitimate anti-nintendo or anti-Sony news then you are more than welcome to post it, news is basically what the separate forums are for.


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mrstickball said:
Amazing I request all the anti-MS posts to go in one place, and everyone then attacks me, and such.

Should I then start posting every anti-Wii post in the Nintendo forum?

 At least from what I read including my post nobody attacked you unless disagreeing is now considered an attack.  If recall most mainly talked about the usefulness of this kind of thread and had nothing to do with any other forum.  Just saying your last statement is a setup for flames.  Your welcome to keep this thread open and see if people actually use it :)

we all make mistakes, we didnt attack you. it was a bad idea and we shared our thouhts.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

I think the intentions were good, but it was executed all wrong. Having a sticky for negative MS press is wrong and too vague on top of it being wrong. How about a sticky if your console RRODs? Each topic is basically identical, one person says they have the RROD and everyone else chimes in with, "good luck", or "PS3 doesnt do that so get one of those", or "Yeah that happened to me too this month of this year", or something else. Never are the topics unique. How about a sticky about any occurences of RRODs? Minus of course any official news on the subject from MS or a related party.

Sticky Topic: "I Have the Three Red Rings of Death Official Thread"

Then just delete any topic outside of that sticky if someone is just posting to inform us they have the RROD or if some blogger they'ed like to quote has it. 

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

mrstickball said:
Amazing I request all the anti-MS posts to go in one place, and everyone then attacks me, and such.

Should I then start posting every anti-Wii post in the Nintendo forum?

I think you just didn't think it through when you made this thread. When such a big proportion of people think you're wrong, it's usually time to think things over.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

mrstickball said:
Amazing I request all the anti-MS posts to go in one place, and everyone then attacks me, and such.

Should I then start posting every anti-Wii post in the Nintendo forum?

 If that is what you feel like doing with your free time.  Trust me...if you don't post it, everyone else will.  Are you sure you've been into the forum lately?  The forum is a breeding ground for dissent and derision for all consoles, not just your precious bad-press encumbered 360.  Don't you remember the time between the PS3's launch and last Christmas?  Sony fanboys were having apoloplectic seizures and fits of rage over all the Sony blunders and anti-Sony hype.  No one ever suggested we put all the Sony hate in one thread (It certainly would have overloaded the server before the Brawl one did if they had).  I think you should just admit you were having a bad day (as was Legend11 on this same day) and just move on.  We're not attacking you....just the idea.