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I think the intentions were good, but it was executed all wrong. Having a sticky for negative MS press is wrong and too vague on top of it being wrong. How about a sticky if your console RRODs? Each topic is basically identical, one person says they have the RROD and everyone else chimes in with, "good luck", or "PS3 doesnt do that so get one of those", or "Yeah that happened to me too this month of this year", or something else. Never are the topics unique. How about a sticky about any occurences of RRODs? Minus of course any official news on the subject from MS or a related party.

Sticky Topic: "I Have the Three Red Rings of Death Official Thread"

Then just delete any topic outside of that sticky if someone is just posting to inform us they have the RROD or if some blogger they'ed like to quote has it. 

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.