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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The "Negative MS Press Goes Here" Thread.

I thought the forums were the "Microsoft Discussion", "Sony Discussion" and "Nintendo Discussion" not the "Microsoft is Great Discussion", "Sony is Super Discussion" and "Nintendo is Fabulous Discussion" ...

As long as someone is posting news or is having a legitimate discussion on the particular manufacturer or their console it should be allowed in that particular forum; the fact that it may be negative should NOT impact whether the topic can or can not be posted.

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Legend11 said:
Well if you agree why not stop trying to make everything into a "PC is better" argument everytime you enter this forum? We all get the message, do you think repeating it for the 100th time is going to make a difference? Why not just let people enjoy 360 games, what exactly is the harm of it to you?

 Well maybe if you weren't sucha hypocrite and stop posting bs like PS3 is going to lose FFXIII to 360 like the blind xbot that you are people might care a little more as to what you say.

We really need an "ignore user" option.

I say a big censorship sucks WTF to this thread. I don't even care one way or the other....but this is the ultimate in whining.

super_etecoon said:
I say a big censorship sucks WTF to this thread. I don't even care one way or the other....but this is the ultimate in whining.

Because mods are useless and censorship sucks, console bashing hate-speech is the only way to fly.


Go back to your commune hippie. 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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*thread explodes*

Entroper said:
mrstickball said:
Okay then. I'll delete negative MS threads in the MS forum.

This is also wrong.  There's a difference between "negative" and "trolling".

 agreed, there is a difference.

Sorry mrstickball, I dont lock threads that have negative news against Sony, Mirocosft, PC, or Nintendo and you SHOULD NOT either. 

Only lock threads that have massive trolling or the thread starts off with something like  "ZOMG Conzole X suxs the bigz onezzz"

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Not to repeat, but people who obviously hate a console, and they are easily recognizable, are often the ones posting these articles.

The articles are very carefully worded to exploit you, the moderator, to be insulting but not bannable. They are using a workaround to laugh at 360 owners, when negative news arises.

There is such a thing as passive-agressive trolling. Just ask some of your 360 cohorts, but I really shouldn't bring his name up again.

Its easy to spot, and not banning passive-agressive news trolls is the only ideal way to be perfectly fair.

The question is, are you going to be idealogues, or realists? Are you going to ban people who are obviously trolling, or let them off the hook because everyone must be treated equally, regardless of their past actions and reputations?

I've always felt the mods on this forum were very fair, but also work with people on an individual basis, and you guys put a lot of good times into the site and add a lot to the community. I'm sure you'll end up with a worthy decision either way. Neither is really right or wrong, but don't be so quick to wave off the TC's assertion.

News trolling is real, it happens every single day, and there are people on this site who live to post negative news about the Wii, 360, and PS3. That's how they get their kicks, it incites drama and flames, and the news stories are not presented in a fair and balanced light, they are simply mod workarounds.

Disagreeing with locking posts is fine, but claiming that these trolls aren't trolls and don't exist is just lying to yourself.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Vista keeps telling me i can't save things in this file folder from a freeware game I have unless i'm the administrator and i can't figure out how to get into administrator mode to give my main (and only) account acess to save files in those folders.

Which makes making new scenarios a pain in the ass.

Also I can't get KOTOR to work.

Damn vista.

Not an article... felt like venting though.

Seems more on topic then everything else anyway. 

hey whats up with that xbox 360 shortage excuse now a days?

I think its an excuse for poor sales. someone prove me wrong