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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Destiny (PS4) outsells Mario Kart 8 in less then 2 weeks.

It's all Nintendo's fault though. They chose the name and the marketing strategies. If they would have marketed the Wii U and MK8 well, it would be well beyond 10M by now. Considering that MK Wii has sold 35M copies, it would be hard to say that only 3 M of those wanted more. It is absurd. Nintendo's name for their console has sunk them entirely. It isn't the games, by God it isn't the games, but instead the name which makes it harder to market and sell to the general public. So sad. Maybe Nintendo should go all out Handheld/ios. They need to adapt sooner or later. Then again, Nintendo makes things that really can't be copied successfully so there has to be that mediator in the field as well.

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yes i know, and i have no problem with it, that's the reason i have a PC :/

34 years playing games.


I feel bad for Zero. He's the ghost of vgc now :P

Ka-pi96 said:

Not all PS fans are the same...

This is the internet, only generalizations are valid here!

bubblegamer said:
spemanig said:
Ka-pi96 said:
Makes sense for a better game to sell more

Destiny is barely even a good game, let alone a better game than Mario Kart 8.

I dunno. Destiny may not be a great game, but it's certainly better than MK8. Most gamers don't even like Mario.


And how is Destiny better? You're barely able to get your kart on the track before you get shot at. I think Nintendo found a better balance with their game by not giving guns to the opponents.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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if they didn't gimp the game for future dlcs, the longevity of destiny would probably have been way better but now I think it will die pretty soon come january

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

chapset said:
if they didn't gimp the game for future dlcs, the longevity of destiny would probably have been way better but now I think it will die pretty soon come january

Whats going on with that? I heard about it but im not informed.

tbone51 said:
chapset said:
if they didn't gimp the game for future dlcs, the longevity of destiny would probably have been way better but now I think it will die pretty soon come january

Whats going on with that? I heard about it but im not informed.

They cut every little bit of the story so they can sell it later, you get a bunch of high profile characters with no backgrounds, they keep telling you how they could tell you about yourself or the ennemy but they too busy lol. but I guess in the complete story pack 1 dlc they won't be so busy

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

teigaga said:


As of 20th september global update;

Destiny PS4: 2,972,777

Mario Kart 8: 2,672,546

If you asked me back in March I would have said Mario Kart 8 and Titanfall will be the years highest selling single platform gamea. Colour me surprised... Next week it will overtake watchdogs.


Great for Destiny and Sony, but I dont see the point of the comparison.  Even if MK8 would have

better lifetime sales in the end.  What's the relevance?


They are not the same genre, one game is exclusive, the other is not.  

People forget that many of these big sellers are multi-plats, and they tend to have the benefit of

being marketed to different audiences across different platforms that help generate excitement. 

So Destiny was discussed on Xbox and Sony forums, magazines, ads, etc. It got more exposure because of it.

Mario Kart 8 only had Nintendo. 


And even though many copies were sold on the Sony console,

did Sony make as much money on it as Nintendo did with their sales of Mario Kart?




The PS4 is the behemoth this gen for software sales. Big congrats.