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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Entertainment Geekly: 'Super Smash Bros.' was the best and worst thing to happen to Nintendo

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W-what? I don't get this at all. :/

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HylianSwordsman said:
I3LuEI3omI3eR said:
I forgot I posted this yesterday late at night...

Now that Read through it on a good nights sleep... I guess the article does sound like bs lol

No, don't apologize. You liked the article. That's okay. It's an opinion piece. You agreed with it. Don't let everyone else make you feel stupid. They're all just overreacting. There's nothing in that article to warrant the amount of hate it's getting in this thread. It's not trying to pass itself off as fact. It's clearly an opinion piece. It says nothing bad about gaming journalism and anyone calling it clickbait needs to realize ALL opinion pieces are clickbait, be they in gaming journalism or not. Anyone saying it's confusing or poorly written is just mad that the author disagrees with them.

Well some of the replies did make sense in regards to this article. Thanks for sticking up for me, but just because I disagree with some of what the article says now doesn't still mean it didn't bring up some interesting points (Like the very end of it). Mostly why I liked the article is because it pointed out Destiny is selling a lot with no reason why... :troll face::

Besides, I wasn't expecting this sort of reaction from everyone here. To tell you the truth, I am really amused by peoples responses here...

I3LuEI3omI3eR said:

Well some of the replies did make sense in regards to this article. Thanks for sticking up for me, but just because I disagree with some of what the article says now doesn't still mean it didn't bring up some interesting points (Like the very end of it). Mostly why I liked the article is because it pointed out Destiny is selling a lot with no reason why... :troll face::

Besides, I wasn't expecting this sort of reaction from everyone here. To tell you the truth, I am really amused by peoples responses here...

I'll agree, the responses are a bit amusing. I wasn't expecting it either.

I didn't even bother to read the article, and I probably did the right thing!

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