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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Live in Europe and Want to Play SSBB? Here you go!

ookaze said:
The only thing they can do, is prevent the freeloader from running by detecting it. Which I doubt they can do, but who knows. IMHO, the only way for them to do that, is through new hardware revisions. Of course, that actually depends on how Datel implemented this.

 They did disable the Freeloader Soriku linked to with a Wii firmware update. So the only way to be sure is to not update your Wii. 

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Mebi said:
ookaze said:
The only thing they can do, is prevent the freeloader from running by detecting it. Which I doubt they can do, but who knows. IMHO, the only way for them to do that, is through new hardware revisions. Of course, that actually depends on how Datel implemented this.

They did disable the Freeloader Soriku linked to with a Wii firmware update. So the only way to be sure is to not update your Wii.

Furthermore, the only way not to update your Wii is to not use any new games, since simply loading a game can cause a firmware update from the disc.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Soriku, you are refering to the GC freeloader, which claims it works ON wii, not for wii games.. as in it works for GC games being played on wii.. this is the Wii Freeloader, as in Wii games will work...

I would get this if i didn't know that nintendo would do anything in their power to stop us from giving them more money for games that won't release here, but i do know better than that, and this will be stopped in the next update, at which point datel will release "version 2" at which point datel will get more money, and so on until the end of the wiis lifecycle

Does this use the same region free engine as the WiiKey (ie approx 60% compatibility), or does it work 100%

if it works with No More Heroes, I'll buy this, because I really want the US bloody version but the WiiKey I have doesn't support it =(

Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

It's this one

Same as in link Fishyjoe provided.
Same here but in uk site:

Btw i got response from Datel/Codejunkies.

"Dear Customer

Further to your email the product is currently fully compatible with the Wii console regardless of the available firmware versions which are been used. As with any console which has updatable firmware we can not guarantee that no firmware updates will affect the usage of the product but if Nintendo were to release a firmware update which affected the usage of the product we would try to as previously done with our Wii compatible Gamecube products to release an updated version of the product to resolve the problem.


Daniel Leese

Technical Support"


Too bad they didn't response when Freeloader with AR is gonna get released. :p

Nothing's cheaper than something free.

F1 vs FOTA, when too much power is in couple peoples hands.


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Or in other words, they'll start a cat and mouse game with Nintendo which makes you have to buy multiple copies of their product.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

As safe as this sounds, I still don't feel secure about getting it to play Japanese games. To be honest, I have no input, I just wanted to be at the top of the page.

Hmmm does it work for say a burnt DVD with SNES emulators ect ???