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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Highest Rated Exclusives (MC): 8th Gen Updated


What will be the highest rated game of the year?

Bloodborne 73 47.40%
Halo 5 17 11.04%
Rise of The Tomb Raider 2 1.30%
Xenoblade Chronicles X 28 18.18%
Forza 6 1 0.65%
Splatoon 4 2.60%
Other 13 8.44%
See results. 15 9.74%

I think those FH2 scores are pretty good!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

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AZWification said:

I think those FH2 scores are pretty good!

They sure are it got another pretty good review score that will go towards its metascore from gametrailers which gave it a 8.8 and another good review that will not go towards its metascore from 3KB (YouTubers) who gave it a 8.5.

Update (04/10/2014):
Added to 8th gen console exclusive graph/list:
- Forza Horizon 2 (86).
- Hyrule Warriors (75).

Added to 8th gen "PS4/X1 only" side graph/list:
- Middle-earth: SOM (85)
- Sherlock Holmes: C&P (75)

Small changes:
- Edited score of Forza 5 on 8th gen console exclusive list from 80 to 79.
- Edited FIFA 15 score from 83 to 82 on 8th gen side graph/list.
- Removed Sports Champions from 7th gen yearly graph.
- Added new poll "Which will score better, FH2 or Driveclub?"

So every single Naughty Dog game from Gen 7 charted. That is unreal.

People still take metacritic seriously?

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FH2 is established IP with more content so it will score higher and DC is a new IP which is focusing on core driving in social aspect in different way. So, DC will get between 80-85 mostly as they point out the content as issue.

GAMING is not about spending hours to pass/waste our time just for fun,

its a Feeling/Experience about a VIRTUAL WORLD we can never be in real, and realizing some of our dreams (also creating new ones).

So, Feel Emotions, Experience Adventure/Action, Challenge Game, Solve puzzles and Have fun.

PlayStation is about all-round "New experiences" using new IP's to provide great diversity for everyone.

Xbox is always about Online and Shooting.

Nintendo is always about Fun games and milking IP's.

Imho Forza >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DriveClub
I hope that DriveClub will have less than 86 MC...

IdealisticNihilist said:
People still take metacritic seriously?

Metacritic does have its uses. They're perfect for making non-subjective comparisons on certain levels, especially when looking on a large scale (which compounds the initial effect of creating a generalized view). They're utterly useless for direct quality comparisons though, which is unfortunately what most people try to use it for :/ 

That all said, this thread is just for fun ^^ It's not intended to be taken too seriously. 

Zekkyou said:
IdealisticNihilist said:
People still take metacritic seriously?

Metacritic does have its uses. They're perfect for making non-subjective comparisons on certain levels, especially when looking on a large scale (which compounds the initial effect of creating a generalized view). They're utterly useless for direct quality comparisons though, which is unfortunately what most people try to use it for :/ 

That all said, this thread is just for fun ^^ It's not intended to be taken too seriously. 

FIne, but: > Metacritic.

CosmicSex said:
So every single Naughty Dog game from Gen 7 charted. That is unreal.

Yep, they're the most critically acclaimed home console developer of the last half decade ^^ Not sure who was top for the whole 7th gen though, will have to check up on that. A lot would depend on if you use consistency as a criteria, or if you simply look at each developers "best" few titles.