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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Starcraft Mafia - Game Thread - Concluded

Carl2291 said:
Can we have a post count, anyone?

Surely someone has been keeping count

Look up:

Signature goes here!

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TruckOSaurus said:
Carl2291 said:
Can we have a post count, anyone?

Surely someone has been keeping count

Look up:

I think he meant post, not vote. Mind going through your one doodad again to get post count?

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

TruckOSaurus said:

Look up:

Post count, not vote count.


Nicklesbe said:

He said he didn't read everything before, it doesn't mean he didn't look at other peoples reads*{1} and came to his own conclusion as you claim you are doing. He didn't come to my rescue, he was logical, gave his own reasons for suspecting Carl and said the lynch on me was too easy.*{2} Something you continue to ignore. Did you? When?*{3} It looks more like you dismissed them completely. So when theprof said he knows you pretty well and trusted you last game*{4} that was accurate and ok and a reason for you to trust him and buddy up*{5}, but this game now that he suspects you he doesn't know you at all?*{6}

1. He said it himself. Your speculations are meaningless.
2. Well, that's your scummy opinion.
3. You're asking why I don't post everything that crosses my mind. My answer is, I think about a lot of stuff , and I'm not going to post it all. Simple as.
4. WHAT are you talking about? He lynched me for God's sake. I don't even know what to say here. He didn't know me and he didn't trust me before.
5. I was wrong about him. Honestly, I was just clinging to the only active veteran I saw, and didn't want to be left alone with a bunch of noobs. He was wrong about so much last game, so I don't hold him in the same regard as before. Not that what I thought about him before was based on much.
6. He doesn't know me.

padib said:
Hi all, I am at last online and will probably be reading through all the posts I've missed so far. I am hoping to get a post in 3 hours from now (I read slow).

I don't think we have 3 hours..

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

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Nicklesbe said:
Sparks said:
Again, Nickles, do you even think before you post?

Dismissing me and trying to imply I am an idiot and don't think about my posts is very scummy especially when you should know damn well I'm not :D. Since the bases of your entire persepctive/argument is last games meta(incorrectly at that btw) then this just makes you look even scummier.

Then why are your posts and arguments so idiotic? They don't make any sense, and some are just false.

In case I die tonight I just wanna say that Nickles is scum. Mark my words.

25 minutes to go.

If people are just watching, its time for you to post. Urgently.


padib said:
Hi all, I am at last online and will probably be reading through all the posts I've missed so far. I am hoping to get a post in 3 hours from now (I read slow).

Noble, and glad to see you're back, but the day ends in 25 minutes. 

Perhaps catch up the last 50-100 posts and make a decision from that?


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Less than 15 minutes to go. Now would be the time to say something Nickelsbe and Astrogamer.

Actually I lie. That time would have been about 2 hours ago.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.