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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Starcraft Mafia - Game Thread - Concluded

yeah I think I'll  be voting for Astro (again)

he posted so little in here and jumped on the lynch train without adding anything to the discussion


Vote Astro

Around the Network
theprof00 said:
Sparks, how did YOU know that the terrain faction was town?
You accused someone of it be in a slip, but its right there in the op.
so in actuality, you knew the info without being told by the op.

A real townie would know, because it says so in our PM and not the OP.

How could you not know this?


Carl2291 said:
theprof00 said:
Sparks, how did YOU know that the terrain faction was town?
You accused someone of it be in a slip, but its right there in the op.
so in actuality, you knew the info without being told by the op.

A real townie would know, because it says so in our PM and not the OP.

How could you not know this?

Also, it's in the second post as well as the role PM. But yeah, still very suspicious.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

"A real townie would know that"
Hmmm sure does sound like wifom.
as if mafia didnt receive a similar (but opposite) pm.

As well as sparks' "its in my pm" and "im not willing to go further than that", which also sounded real scummy.

Around the Network
theprof00 said:
"A real townie would know that"
Hmmm sure does sound like wifom.
as if mafia didnt receive a similar (but opposite) pm.
theprof00 said:
As well as sparks' "its in my pm" and "im not willing to go further than that", which also sounded real scummy.

The Town PM literally says Terran = Town and non-Terran = Scum. You cant go further than that unless the PM is quoted, which as you know we cant do.

You surely should have known this, if you were Terran (and thus, Town). Your post again, incase anyone missed it -

Huge HoS theprof00



theprof00 said:
Has anyone bothered to notice that his play this game is very different from the last game?
Nickels I mean.

This was funny to read after you telling us to ignore past experiences earlier.

Lets look closer at that post though.

theprof00 said:
1 do not use past experiences with players to decide their scum meta. It is unreliable.
except with trucks. He is always scum.

vote trucks

Thoughts so far:
Does it ever say in the opening that mafia exists? I read it twice and should probably read it again, but I didnt see such.
so, also an dos goes out to anyone who just assumed mafia exists.

Nickles seems like town but I can tell he's a little rattled.
Haven't read thoroughly yet, currently in japan and trying to balance my schedule and mafia.

P-edit: thats supposed to say hos not dos.

You put a HoS on anyone who assumed mafia exists, then went on to say "mafia" could also have recieved a similar PM to Town.

Contradictions, prof. Inconsistencies.


AstroGamer said:

Well there is 2 more votes remaining before he's dead. I need to formalize my thoughts a bit more and I'm going to be somewhere for a bit so, I'll post something bigger in 2 and 1/2 hours

Dont turn into a Conegamer and be forever branded a lier.


AstroGamer said:
Okay at this point, unless something big slips up, Nickels is dead. Might as well make the process a little smoother
Vote: Nickelsbe

I forgot to put this in with my other post to you.

This is the very definition of a bandwagon vote.


Lol you're attempt to paint me as scum is painfully desperate.
I hosed the mafia assumption people to get reactions.
again you cannot prove to me that only terrain are informed of the factions in their pms.
you cant and likely you will say that it is because you dont have a scum pm, but I dont like that you seem to be trying to gain mod/meta confirmation of towniness by saying that every town could confirm.
it reeks of scum. Especially since its very likely that scum have a similar pm and no townie could disagree.
it absolutely reeks.