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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Pachter: "There is no place for Nintendo hardware". Thoughts?

TreeTurtle said:
I forgot about him. what has be been up to?

Eating potatos from Apeture Labs? 

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Patcher is an analyst and a poor one at that since it's obvious that he has tunnel vision. He is convinced that the video game market is purely driven by hardware advances and as such repeatedly mis-forcasts Nintendo hardware. Sometimes he missed quite spectacularly, but he is too set in his ways to take hard sales figures into account and continues to predict the failure of Nintendo every three months or so.

I've learned not to put any value in Pachter's predictions and opinions...

Some people obviously think the opposite, as he still has a job...

I think he was fired from already. shows you how reliable he can be.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

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Burek said:
I've learned not to put any value in Pachter's predictions and opinions...

Some people obviously think the opposite, as he still has a job...

This isn't his job, of course. If it was, he'd starve.


Lets all consider who actually pays Pachter - both directly and indirectly. He is hardly an unbiased observer here.
If we are going to give him any oxygen - we should ALWAYS point out his obvious conflict of interest.


Gnac said:
Burek said:
I've learned not to put any value in Pachter's predictions and opinions...

Some people obviously think the opposite, as he still has a job...

This isn't his job, of course. If it was, he'd starve.

But what is his real job then? Because he sure sucks in his hobby...

I half agree with him in regards to the WiiU. It's becoming progressively more and more a Nintendo only system, with only a select few major none Nintendo made or funded titles finding their way onto it.

A large chunk of the core market enjoy Nintendo games, but as we can see with the WiiU not many (relative to the market size) are willing to buy an entire console for the games of 1 publisher. That combined with their lack of proper utilization of the WiiU Pad does bring into question the need for the console itself.

That said, i wouldn't want them to stop. They might fall flat on their faces sometimes (WiiU and GC), but other times they make something interesting or new (N64 and Wii). They add a little bit of spice to the industry that gives Sony and MS a second dynamic to consider when making major decisions.

ALSO: how terrible is a name such as "gamenesia"? Oh my goodness, I forgot about games.

Here are two more shit things I just thought of:

  • Gameogeddon: You're going to die tomorrow so who cares if you use the much-ignored lower end of the review scale; you won't have a career in a week anyway
  • Gameorrhea: I ate some dodgy games and now I have liquid shits / I fucked a fake "TGS girl" and now I have a crater on my cock