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Forums - Sales Discussion - White PS4 Destiny Bundle - #28 on Bestsellers of 2014

Weird it´s not sold out yet.

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CosmicSex said:
prinz_valium said:
DaltonAbbey said:
why did they stop updating this daily? it used to happen every day without exception

the did not

right now the white ps4 bundle is above the 50$ psn card

yesterday  it wasnt (just the xb1 and ps4 version of destiny)



edit: or are u talking about the yearly chart? that isnt updated every day. im confused


The Yearly Chart hasn't been updated In quite some time.  There is no way that Destiny on PS4 and Xbox One haven't moved yet.  

Also, the Destiny Bundle in Japan is sold out!  

In even stranger news, the sales of Xbox One on Amazon Japan have completely collapsed.

I really don't want to suffer the angst that will go down if the PS4 beats the Xbox One in Japan this week.  


u didnt answer any of my questions. whats this post about?


i konw the yearly wasnt updated for some time now



obove me - nice post :D

CosmicSex said:

The Yearly Chart hasn't been updated In quite some time.  There is no way that Destiny on PS4 and Xbox One haven't moved yet.  

Also, the Destiny Bundle in Japan is sold out!  

In even stranger news, the sales of Xbox One on Amazon Japan have completely collapsed.

I really don't want to suffer the angst that will go down if the PS4 beats the Xbox One in Japan this week.  

Looks like PS4 is gearing up for a very huge September, even including Japan :D

prinz_valium said:
CosmicSex said:
prinz_valium said:
DaltonAbbey said:


The Yearly Chart hasn't been updated In quite some time.  There is no way that Destiny on PS4 and Xbox One haven't moved yet.  

Also, the Destiny Bundle in Japan is sold out!  

In even stranger news, the sales of Xbox One on Amazon Japan have completely collapsed.

I really don't want to suffer the angst that will go down if the PS4 beats the Xbox One in Japan this week.  


u didnt answer any of my questions. whats this post about?


i konw the yearly wasnt updated for some time now



obove me - nice post :D

I was under the impression that the Amazon Yearly Chart was updated daily, because thats what it says on the page.  Looking at the Current listing for Destiny for PS4 and Xbox One, its hard to believe that this is the case.  

Then, I checked Amazon Japan to see the bundle on that site only to find that it was sold out.

The Xbox One collapse was a side note.    A reflection on my own prediction.    

Do you understand?  I'm not being fatious, if you don't I can find another way to explain it.  I don't want you to be lost.


Aura7541 said:
CosmicSex said:

Looks like PS4 is gearing up for a very huge September, even including Japan :D

Totally agree!  I wasn't expecting this at all.  The Japanese trailer was good though.  

I think when the month of September datas are in, then they will update the numbers for yearly

Around the Network
prinz_valium said:
DaltonAbbey said:
why did they stop updating this daily? it used to happen every day without exception

the did not

right now the white ps4 bundle is above the 50$ psn card

yesterday  it wasnt (just the xb1 and ps4 version of destiny)



edit: or are u talking about the yearly chart? that isnt updated every day. im confused

i meant yearly

not every day? well, it was updated every except maybe one (other poster said sunday)

aside from that, it was indeed every day. 

lol madden bundle sold out

Gah, I want to see the actual ranking amazon!

prinz_valium said:
lol madden bundle sold out

I was on Neogaf earlier and someone was saying the Madden bundle 'sold out' right after the announcement about buying an X1 and get a game free at certain retailers.  People are saying Amazon are pretending it is sold out so they don't have to price match

celador said:
prinz_valium said:
lol madden bundle sold out

I was on Neogaf earlier and someone was saying the Madden bundle 'sold out' right after the announcement about buying an X1 and get a game free at certain retailers.  People are saying Amazon are pretending it is sold out so they don't have to price match

sounds plausible

but in that case its not ms taking the cut, its the retailer?

otherwise it doenst make sense.