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Forums - Sales Discussion - July 2014 NPD Thread! PS4: 187k, XBO: 131k, Wii U: 81k

jlmurph2 said:
All 8th gen consoles overtracked with XB1 being the closest. Wtf is Sony doing in those other countries to get more than 10m sold? Giving them away??

PS4 must be undertracked in Europe and Asia. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Around the Network

WOW NBA 2K heavily undertracked for like the 82nd month in a row, Youd think they would change something in the tracking by now.

binary solo said:
DD_Bwest said:

ok that messed up my post..    what is up with the wiiU then?     i thought  wiiU +xb1< ps4?  was that wrong?

Yes you were wrong. Xbone + 360 < PS4. PS3+PS4>Xb one +WiiU.

So if Xb one +Wii U is 212K that means PS3 was ~30K annd 360 was between 30 and 50K.

The interesting thing is that Xb one is back to exactly the level it was just before the Kinectless announcement (130K).

PS4 has clearly slid back and very interestingly if not for TLOUR it would have been a very close month between Xb one and PS4.

ya i figured that out on gaf a few minutes ago..   goes to show i should probably sleep lol

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz


is creamsugar's pie representing aqua's numbers?

Around the Network

How did the PS4 sell over 10 million with Japan+US been like 4.5 million?

How did the PS4 sell over 10 million with Japan+US been like 4.5 million?

sonyland + RotW

CGI-Quality said:
binary solo said:

Yes you were wrong. Xbone + 360 < PS4. PS3+PS4>Xb one +WiiU.

So if Xb one +Wii U is 212K that means PS3 was ~30K annd 360 was between 30 and 50K.

The interesting thing is that Xb one is back to exactly the level it was just before the Kinectless announcement (130K).

PS4 has clearly slid back and very interestingly if not for TLOUR it would have been a very close month between Xb one and PS4.

As I said above, there are only three days worth of TLOU sales for the month. It hardly did anything for the PS4 in July, because it couldn't. This is, most likely, what it would have looked like, either way.

Yeah its kinda like how Wii U was like 67k when MK8 released in May.

How did the PS4 sell over 10 million with Japan+US been like 4.5 million?

I'm guessing very strong sales in Europe, Asia Australia, and the Middle East. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Pie Chart from Cream fill in the blanks