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CGI-Quality said:
binary solo said:

Yes you were wrong. Xbone + 360 < PS4. PS3+PS4>Xb one +WiiU.

So if Xb one +Wii U is 212K that means PS3 was ~30K annd 360 was between 30 and 50K.

The interesting thing is that Xb one is back to exactly the level it was just before the Kinectless announcement (130K).

PS4 has clearly slid back and very interestingly if not for TLOUR it would have been a very close month between Xb one and PS4.

As I said above, there are only three days worth of TLOU sales for the month. It hardly did anything for the PS4 in July, because it couldn't. This is, most likely, what it would have looked like, either way.

Yeah its kinda like how Wii U was like 67k when MK8 released in May.