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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Polygon: Tomb Raider's Xbox exclusivity likely means more sales, higher profits

Normchacho said:
Sooo... let me get that math straight.

Polygon is saying that half of all of the combined sales for the Xbox One and PS4 have been to people who own both consoles. That simply isn't possible because that's 2.5 million more sales than the Xbox One has...

Now, lets try to make this viable. Lets say that half of everyone who bought an Xbox One also has a PS4 (which is still being way too generous) That means that you have 2.5 million PS4 owners who could still buy the game.

That still leaves 7.5 million PS4 owners who cant buy the game until it comes out for the PS4. Or...50% of the market. That also assumes that nobody who owns both is going to wait for the PS4 version.

Needless to say the article is bull...

I posted the same above.

Acutually if 2.5 million have both, that means there are only 15 - 2.5 = 12.5 Million unique users, so 7.5 Million out of 12.5 Million is 60%.

If nobody had both consoles it would be 67%, so Polygon's point doesn't make a whole lot of difference.  Between 60 & 67% of the market won't have access to the game, and that's not even counting PC.

My 8th gen collection

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ICStats said:
Normchacho said:
Sooo... let me get that math straight.

Polygon is saying that half of all of the combined sales for the Xbox One and PS4 have been to people who own both consoles. That simply isn't possible because that's 2.5 million more sales than the Xbox One has...

Now, lets try to make this viable. Lets say that half of everyone who bought an Xbox One also has a PS4 (which is still being way too generous) That means that you have 2.5 million PS4 owners who could still buy the game.

That still leaves 7.5 million PS4 owners who cant buy the game until it comes out for the PS4. Or...50% of the market. That also assumes that nobody who owns both is going to wait for the PS4 version.

Needless to say the article is bull...

I posted the same above.

Acutually if 2.5 million have both, that means there are only 15 - 2.5 = 12.5 Million unique users, so 7.5 Million out of 12.5 Million is 60%.

If nobody had both consoles it would be 67%, so Polygon's point doesn't make a whole lot of difference.  Between 60 & 67% of the market won't have access to the game, and that's not even counting PC.

Oh yeah, my bad. I wonder if anyone at Polygon bothered to do that math out again just to double check before posting it? Do you think they didn't notice or were they just hoping nobody else would notice?

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

Normchacho said:

Oh yeah, my bad. I wonder if anyone at Polygon bothered to do that math out again just to double check before posting it? Do you think they didn't notice or were they just hoping nobody else would notice?

Who knows, it doesn't sound like they thought it through.

They must be dreaming about XB1 catching up with PS4 sales, then it makes sense but I don't see the 2:1 trend changing by the time TR launches.  This generation is going to be in full swing in 2015 and PS4 could widen the gap.  The recent trend is over 3:1.

They also conveniently ignore that the PS userbase are bigger fans of Tomb Raider.

My 8th gen collection

binary solo said:

I know quite a few people with a console and I don't personally know anyone with PS3 and 360 Combo. Oh also plenty of people who're PC +1.

I know loads of people that have both. But I agree with everything else that you said. You're right that multi console ownership occurs at the end of the generation. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

that sure worked out for titanfall. didnt it.

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Intrinsic said:

Here's what's hard for gaming fans to do: We need to stop looking at these deals purely through the lens of someone who wants to play the game. Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics are companies that pay its employees and stay in business by making profits on video games. They don't necessarily think about success as units sold. They have to think of it in terms of profit.


I stopped reading there...... 

So they are basically telling "gamers" to stop thinking about the games.... or of the games that are basically made for them and we should instead think about how much profit the publishers want to make? Like are the fucking serious?

I really want to know if they actually believe the nonsense they ae saying. MS has a timed exclusive, its a stupid idea considering how well the PS4 is selling now and that the PS4 could very well be over 22M sold to the XB1's 12M by the time this game gets released. They should just let it rest and lets move on... this kinda PR spinning is simply insulting to say the least.

Well if you're concerned with how these decisions are made and why some games you liked never got sequels, then you'll know that they weren't profitable. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

this time they are right... the xbone dont have much good exclusivs, so beeing xbone eclusiv isnt a bad idea.

MoHasanie said:
Intrinsic said:

Here's what's hard for gaming fans to do: We need to stop looking at these deals purely through the lens of someone who wants to play the game. Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics are companies that pay its employees and stay in business by making profits on video games. They don't necessarily think about success as units sold. They have to think of it in terms of profit.


I stopped reading there...... 

So they are basically telling "gamers" to stop thinking about the games.... or of the games that are basically made for them and we should instead think about how much profit the publishers want to make? Like are the fucking serious?

I really want to know if they actually believe the nonsense they ae saying. MS has a timed exclusive, its a stupid idea considering how well the PS4 is selling now and that the PS4 could very well be over 22M sold to the XB1's 12M by the time this game gets released. They should just let it rest and lets move on... this kinda PR spinning is simply insulting to say the least.

Well if you're concerned with how these decisions are made and why some games you liked never got sequels, then you'll know that they weren't profitable. 

Sorry what are you talking about? This isn't about why games didn't get sequels. Or how some games don't do as well as others. This is about them saying that they expect everyone unhappy about how a game that did well, primarily cause of them, that is obviously getting a sequel should rather than be unhappy  try and understand that a platform holder gave them money to delay when the game comes to the user base that attributed to a majority of the games sales.

Its not like SE was in trouble and couldn't make the game, its not like the previous title wasn't a commercial success, its not like the game sold beter on xbox platforms.... besides greed their simply is no reason for this partnership. None. As a gaming media outlet.. they should be on top of these facts and not contributing to the blatant PR spin. Thats the only problem I have with what they are saying. I don't care about it going timed exclusive, its not my problem; will still buy the game much later in 2016 (after all I waited for a remastered edition to buy the first one).

Intrinsic said:
MoHasanie said:
Intrinsic said:

Here's what's hard for gaming fans to do: We need to stop looking at these deals purely through the lens of someone who wants to play the game. Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics are companies that pay its employees and stay in business by making profits on video games. They don't necessarily think about success as units sold. They have to think of it in terms of profit.


I stopped reading there...... 

So they are basically telling "gamers" to stop thinking about the games.... or of the games that are basically made for them and we should instead think about how much profit the publishers want to make? Like are the fucking serious?

I really want to know if they actually believe the nonsense they ae saying. MS has a timed exclusive, its a stupid idea considering how well the PS4 is selling now and that the PS4 could very well be over 22M sold to the XB1's 12M by the time this game gets released. They should just let it rest and lets move on... this kinda PR spinning is simply insulting to say the least.

Well if you're concerned with how these decisions are made and why some games you liked never got sequels, then you'll know that they weren't profitable. 

Sorry what are you talking about? This isn't about why games didn't get sequels. Or how some games don't do as well as others. This is about them saying that they expect everyone unhappy about how a game that did well, primarily cause of them, that is obviously getting a sequel should rather than be unhappy  try and understand that a platform holder gave them money to delay when the game comes to the user base that attributed to a majority of the games sales.

Its not like SE was in trouble and couldn't make the game, its not like the previous title wasn't a commercial success, its not like the game sold beter on xbox platforms.... besides greed their simply is no reason for this partnership. None. As a gaming media outlet.. they should be on top of these facts and not contributing to the blatant PR spin. Thats the only problem I have with what they are saying. I don't care about it going timed exclusive, its not my problem; will still buy the game much later in 2016 (after all I waited for a remastered edition to buy the first one).

Ok I understand your point, but the article is about profitabilty and I think the points brought up in it (excluding the math part at the end) are good and help defend SE's decision. 

SE publicly said that they were not happy with Tomb Raider's sales and that it failed to meet targets, even after shipping 3.4m units. At the end of 2013, they announced that it finally became profitable. It took them nearly 10 months and almost 4 million units sold for it finally become profitable. Clearly the budget of the game was huge. This article does actually bring up a few good reasons of why MS can help SE with the development and marketing. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Good god the logic in this article is soo bad, even if all Xbox one owners own a PS4 there still losing half there market, Which isn't likely so there probably losing a much higher percentage.