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sharky said:
ils411 said:
grimygunz said:
Im sorry to say this but who's fault is it that there is a supposed shortage. the shortage isn't as extreme as people are making it look to be as its a fact that the 360 sales in the US went up this week.

there is a shortage but the demand isn't high enough to make a difference. anyone right now could goto amazon and buy any version of the 360 they want.

a true measure of supply constrained is the wii where demand is greater than supply and you cant buy a wii for less than 350 bux from resellers online. only way in my area to get a wii at retail price is to stalk for new shipments.

i couldnt have said it any better. took the words right out of my mouth...

plus, way i hear it, the arcade and the halo models are available. shortage is the unavailability of a product or a thing which is in large demand. however there are 360s available in the form of arcade and halo models. so it is a lie to say that there is a shortage of 360s. also, if the 360 was in so high a demand then it wouldnt matter what model you got, as long as you get one coz its in short supply. but no, arcades and halos are available still.

 Okay, there was no shortage. So if 360 overtakes PS3 in March or February, it's just because it's more popular again, and PS3 is fading, and 360 is simply more popular and gaining while PS3 is losing popularity over time.


That seems fair to me. You are right, there was no 360 shortage. 




actually, yes on all.

if the 360 overtakes the ps3 in feb or march, yes its coz more people want a 360 hence, its more popular and the ps3 is loosing popularity if its sales also drops.

but if it maintains its sales, then its just that the 360 is more popular and is no way an indication that the ps3 is dead.

same with the 360, even if the ps3 is outselling the 360, it doesnt mean that the 360 is dead coz its still selling at acceptable level. now if sales drops to what, by around 5k-10k per week and suddenly sells at 20k-30k per week, now thats an indication of looming death.

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I'm sure 360 is not done for. I'm expecting a possible bundle with GTAIV (and price drop?) so that would help the 360 come back on top in the U.S. by a large margin, but in others probably not. 360 is not going out without a fight, thats for sure.


All VGCharterz welcome!!!
PSN: Al_Kickurass, Official Warhawk League Thread!!!->

One thing's for sure - I'll keep this thread in the "crow eating" bookmarks folder in my browser.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Is it me or do Sony fans have the shortest memories of anyone on this planet?

2 Years Ago: "PS3 is going to KILL OFF THE NINTY FANBOYS ONCE AND FOR ALL! Motion controls? That's a gimick! Blu-Ray is the real future of gaming. The 360 won't last long either I'm sure some hardcore retards are going to keep playing it for Halo but there's no way its going to sell more than the Xbox did. PS3 has all the games and all the power! I can't wait for the next gen to get here so we can watch as Sony demolishes the competition once again!" 

I Year Ago: "Stop being so negative! One day when all the games come out, the PS3 will find its place and do well, Sony's not going anywhere! You just have to give it a chance, stop being trolls and telling us its going to die! Why can't you just let us have our opinion and respect our choice in gaming?! If we can respect yours you can respect ours."

Today: "Woooooooo! SONY DOMINATION FTW!!! 360 is dead! LOOK OUT WII! YOU'RE NEXT!!! We've been outselling the 360 by a hair sliver margin for several weeks now! ITS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE THE PS3 OVERTAKES IT WORLD WIDE!!!"

Girl Gamer Elite said:
Is it me or do Sony fans have the shortest memories of anyone on this planet?

I Year Ago: "Stop being so negative! One day when all the games come out, the PS3 will find its place and do well, Sony's not going anywhere! You just have to give it a chance, stop being trolls and telling us its going to die! Why can't you just let us have our opinions and respect our choice in gaming?!"

Today: "Woooooooo! SONY DOMINATION FTW!!! 360 is dead! LOOK OUT WII! YOU'RE NEXT!!! We've been outselling the 360 by a hair sliver margin for several weeks now! ITS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE THE PS3 OVERTAKES IT WORLD WIDE!!!"

I don't know? Payback? The 360 is far from over but as for maintaining its pace with ps3 WW yes that seems to be over. 360 will out sell ps3 the majority of this year in NA but this will probably be the last year. Its a well known fact you appear to dislike positive PS3 news no naturaly this thread would bother you.

Around the Network

ps3 will continue to outswell 360 this year, and going into 2009 i think the 360 will drop off.

biggest mistake was not making a hd drive in the 360

i can recall comments since launch of the ps3 things like

"its only sold 2 million consoles, its gonna do a dreamcast"

ha ha ha, with great exclusives this year and a very possible price drop, ps3 will lead for sure

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

Girl Gamer Elite said:

Is it me or do Sony fans have the shortest memories of anyone on this planet?

2 Years Ago: "LololololPS3 is going to KILL OFF THE NINTY FANBOYS ONCE AND FOR ALL! Motion controls? That's a gimick! Blu-Ray is the real future of gaming. The 360 won't last long either I'm sure some hardcore retards are going to keep playing it for Halo but there's no way its going to sell more than the Xbox did. PS3 has all the games and all the power! I can't wait for the next gen to get here so we can watch as Sony demolishes the competition once again!"

I Year Ago: "Lolololol! Stop being so negative! One day when all the games come out, the PS3 will find its place and do well, Sony's not going anywhere! You just have to give it a chance, stop being trolls and telling us its going to die! Why can't you just let us have our opinion and respect our choice in gaming?! If we can respect yours you can respect ours."

Today: "Lolololol! SONY DOMINATION FTW!!! 360 is dead! LOOK OUT WII! YOU'RE NEXT!!! We've been outselling the 360 by a hair sliver margin for several weeks now! ITS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE THE PS3 OVERTAKES IT WORLD WIDE!!!"

 That look fits you much better!

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

NYANKS said:
rocketpig said:
MS will definitely drop the price. They can't maintain sales with only a $50 price drop in 36 months.

It's pure fanboyism to think that the RRoD will affect them that much. They wrote it off in fiscal 2006. It's a done deal.

Okay, I admit I don't really understand this. Did they write off future repair costs for the next few years. It seems like RRoD is still quite a large problem. Are they not incurring debts on top of the 2006 write off for the still significant amount of failures?

 To make this clear, every company that offers a warranty must set aside money to cover the future warranty cover. This will become part of the cost to manufacture a console and lower the profit margin. e.g If the 16% failure rate is correct than for every 7 consoles microsoft manufactures about 1 will fail and this means that for every 7 consoles sold, it actually costs them 8 consoles (very simplified). The write-off in 2006 was because they didn't set enough money aside for the consoles already sold, not future console sales....

PSN ID: T_Gears

End of 2009 ltd sales:

Wii = 67-68m

X360 = 38-39m

PS3 = 34-35m

Prediction: The PS3 will surpass the 360 on weekly sales after it drops to $299 on all regular weeks (no big releases).

360 will have a price cut soon and that will put it back on top in the US. I would love for the PS3 to stay ahead in sales from now on, but MS still has some options, and also a few big titles for 2008.

Skeeuk said:
ps3 will continue to outswell 360 this year, and going into 2009 i think the 360 will drop off.

biggest mistake was not making a hd drive in the 360

i can recall comments since launch of the ps3 things like

"its only sold 2 million consoles, its gonna do a dreamcast"

ha ha ha, with great exclusives this year and a very possible price drop, ps3 will lead for sure

Yes because what the 360 needed the most was a hardware component to make it more expensive and also appeal to people who don't buy games.