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Girl Gamer Elite said:
Is it me or do Sony fans have the shortest memories of anyone on this planet?

I Year Ago: "Stop being so negative! One day when all the games come out, the PS3 will find its place and do well, Sony's not going anywhere! You just have to give it a chance, stop being trolls and telling us its going to die! Why can't you just let us have our opinions and respect our choice in gaming?!"

Today: "Woooooooo! SONY DOMINATION FTW!!! 360 is dead! LOOK OUT WII! YOU'RE NEXT!!! We've been outselling the 360 by a hair sliver margin for several weeks now! ITS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE THE PS3 OVERTAKES IT WORLD WIDE!!!"

I don't know? Payback? The 360 is far from over but as for maintaining its pace with ps3 WW yes that seems to be over. 360 will out sell ps3 the majority of this year in NA but this will probably be the last year. Its a well known fact you appear to dislike positive PS3 news no naturaly this thread would bother you.