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sharky said:
ils411 said:
grimygunz said:
Im sorry to say this but who's fault is it that there is a supposed shortage. the shortage isn't as extreme as people are making it look to be as its a fact that the 360 sales in the US went up this week.

there is a shortage but the demand isn't high enough to make a difference. anyone right now could goto amazon and buy any version of the 360 they want.

a true measure of supply constrained is the wii where demand is greater than supply and you cant buy a wii for less than 350 bux from resellers online. only way in my area to get a wii at retail price is to stalk for new shipments.

i couldnt have said it any better. took the words right out of my mouth...

plus, way i hear it, the arcade and the halo models are available. shortage is the unavailability of a product or a thing which is in large demand. however there are 360s available in the form of arcade and halo models. so it is a lie to say that there is a shortage of 360s. also, if the 360 was in so high a demand then it wouldnt matter what model you got, as long as you get one coz its in short supply. but no, arcades and halos are available still.

 Okay, there was no shortage. So if 360 overtakes PS3 in March or February, it's just because it's more popular again, and PS3 is fading, and 360 is simply more popular and gaining while PS3 is losing popularity over time.


That seems fair to me. You are right, there was no 360 shortage. 




actually, yes on all.

if the 360 overtakes the ps3 in feb or march, yes its coz more people want a 360 hence, its more popular and the ps3 is loosing popularity if its sales also drops.

but if it maintains its sales, then its just that the 360 is more popular and is no way an indication that the ps3 is dead.

same with the 360, even if the ps3 is outselling the 360, it doesnt mean that the 360 is dead coz its still selling at acceptable level. now if sales drops to what, by around 5k-10k per week and suddenly sells at 20k-30k per week, now thats an indication of looming death.