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360 isnt going anywhere, I think ill get a new one when they come out with the smaller processor chip so that I dont keep getting the RROD like i do with my 20gb model. Im looking forward to Ninja Gaiden 2.

I am exited about the PS3 though. With GT5P, MGS4, HSG5, GTA4, Dual Shock, Haze, KZ2, LBP, Resistance 2, and Mercenaries 2 coming soon Ill have plenty to play on my PS3 this year.

PS3 will sell more consoles. However the X360 will sell more software.

thekitchensink said:
@Madskillz: I did that. I didn't have any games for months until my birthday in November.

I know 3 folks with PS3s beside myself. 1 is a man in his late 40s who bought a PS3 for Blu Ray for Christmas (40gb), another has a gaggle of games, and another rents a lot of games from Gamefly. The older guy has no interest in video games and the guy that rents games owns a DS Lite, a 360 and a PSP. While he liked his 60gb PS3, he advised me against getting a PS3 actually. He knows the kind of games I like and told me to wait. I will admit, I am playing through Uncharted and he said he didn't think I'd like it.

But as far as the Blu Ray aspect, I have 3 Blus, plus 5 free ones on the way ...  and I have paid for just one Blu - Black Hawk Down. HD DVDs? I have 14-15 Reds, plsu 5 free ones on the way, and thinking about getting the $50 360 add-on and get 6 more Reds ... we'll see.

Folks are enjoying the Blu Ray aspect much, much more than the gaming aspect.

With the Wii and 360, gaming and some media playback via the 360 is what you get. No Blu Ray, no HD DVD, just gaming. 

I think there will be an overall 360 lead in the USA this year, though I also think that the week to week lead will interchange a fair bit more this year between 360 and PS3 than it did last year.

All said and done, I expect the Xbox 360's NA sales to look very successful compared to the Xbox, and the PS3's to look very poor compared to the PS2.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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Rock_on_2008 said:
PS3 will sell more consoles. However the X360 will sell more software.


Thanks for stating the obvious current situation. But as you say,"PS3 will sell more consoles" that will eventualy mean that it will in turn sell more software. BUT WAIT THEY ONLY BUY IT ONLY FOR BR. Maybe 1% of buyers will never buy a game for their ps3 and that's being generous.

I think RRoD was the major difference in the end. If their console wasn't an unreliable piece of shit I would still own one. Mine died on me 3 times, buying a 360 is essentially buying a ticking time bomb full of games that have a superior PC version (where FPS will always be better).

It's really too bad because MS would have done a lot better than the PS3 if it weren't for that giant red warning hanging over their head.

roadkillers said:
I love how people forget that the PS3 hasnt released any of its big games. Sure they released minor new IP's like Uncharted, Resistence, Heavenly Sword, and many others. They have yet to release FFXIII, FFVersus, MGS4, God of War 3, GT5, Killzone 2, and many others.

God of war launched last year for PS2 when Ps3 was out and seeing as thou I have a 60 gig PS3 I could play it! it just isnt next gen yet!

You make the 360;s point it has lots of great games now! the PS3 has to hold off until enough fanboys can scrape thier nickels together to have a decent install base so get off your arse and get a Ps3 you Noobs, If I have to wait till june for the most anticipated game this year Ill crap myself! of course once I beat MGS4 I can die a happy man, kinda like snake in the game!

starcraft said:
I think there will be an overall 360 lead in the USA this year, though I also think that the week to week lead will interchange a fair bit more this year between 360 and PS3 than it did last year.

All said and done, I expect the Xbox 360's NA sales to look very successful compared to the Xbox, and the PS3's to look very poor compared to the PS2.

"Gees, I see a lot of damage control for the 360. The fact that ps3 was and is outselling the 360 in NA came as a huge suprise to many people and is a huge blow to M$. This was their last huge stronghold.

We've all heard this many times but this is of course with Ps3 at a few disadvantages(price,games).

Yes, we will see the 360 once again outsell Ps3 for quite a bit this year in NA. It is unlikely that we will see the significant sales gap between the 2 that we once saw...ever(maybe only for sort periods). It may not even be able to outsell the ps3 WW ever again(not sure on that one).

So as far as continualy keeping up with the PS3 WW yes, thats over. It will get its boost here and their(and probably very soon). But those boost will be smaller, fewer and farther between as time goes on.

It is certainly not the end for the 360 but as far as keeping steady with the PS3 then yeah, you could say this is the begging of the end."

So you basically indirectly agree with this^ ,my very first post. You were clearly trolling by bringing up the shortages issue exspecialy because they didn't affect my over all assessment and the fact that you can't tell me anything I specifically said is false or very unlikely to happen. 

madskillz said:
thekitchensink said:
@Madskillz: I did that. I didn't have any games for months until my birthday in November.

I know 3 folks with PS3s beside myself. 1 is a man in his late 40s who bought a PS3 for Blu Ray for Christmas (40gb), another has a gaggle of games, and another rents a lot of games from Gamefly. The older guy has no interest in video games and the guy that rents games owns a DS Lite, a 360 and a PSP. While he liked his 60gb PS3, he advised me against getting a PS3 actually. He knows the kind of games I like and told me to wait. I will admit, I am playing through Uncharted and he said he didn't think I'd like it.

But as far as the Blu Ray aspect, I have 3 Blus, plus 5 free ones on the way ...  and I have paid for just one Blu - Black Hawk Down. HD DVDs? I have 14-15 Reds, plsu 5 free ones on the way, and thinking about getting the $50 360 add-on and get 6 more Reds ... we'll see.

Folks are enjoying the Blu Ray aspect much, much more than the gaming aspect.

With the Wii and 360, gaming and some media playback via the 360 is what you get. No Blu Ray, no HD DVD, just gaming. 

wow! what a large sample group! the results of this study are dead on and very accuratelly represents the entire ps3 market. wow! i never....might as well call sony and inform them that the ps3 is dead and that they should stop pushing it out as a game console as this study proves that it will only sell as a bd player.