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madskillz said:
thekitchensink said:
@Madskillz: I did that. I didn't have any games for months until my birthday in November.

I know 3 folks with PS3s beside myself. 1 is a man in his late 40s who bought a PS3 for Blu Ray for Christmas (40gb), another has a gaggle of games, and another rents a lot of games from Gamefly. The older guy has no interest in video games and the guy that rents games owns a DS Lite, a 360 and a PSP. While he liked his 60gb PS3, he advised me against getting a PS3 actually. He knows the kind of games I like and told me to wait. I will admit, I am playing through Uncharted and he said he didn't think I'd like it.

But as far as the Blu Ray aspect, I have 3 Blus, plus 5 free ones on the way ...  and I have paid for just one Blu - Black Hawk Down. HD DVDs? I have 14-15 Reds, plsu 5 free ones on the way, and thinking about getting the $50 360 add-on and get 6 more Reds ... we'll see.

Folks are enjoying the Blu Ray aspect much, much more than the gaming aspect.

With the Wii and 360, gaming and some media playback via the 360 is what you get. No Blu Ray, no HD DVD, just gaming. 

wow! what a large sample group! the results of this study are dead on and very accuratelly represents the entire ps3 market. wow! i never....might as well call sony and inform them that the ps3 is dead and that they should stop pushing it out as a game console as this study proves that it will only sell as a bd player.