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Forums - Sports Discussion - The NFL Thread 2014: New England Patriots Win Super Bowl XLIX


Who will win the Super Bowl?

Who cares? 41 36.61%
That AFC team. 29 25.89%
That NFC team. 5 4.46%
Hahaha, not the Packers! 25 22.32%
See Results. 9 8.04%
Angelus said:
Not a Colts fan at all, and I actually am rather annoyed by all the constant Luck hype, but gotta admit I'm rooting for them to give Manning and the Broncos the bounce lol

I honestly don't think anyone can beat the Seahawks from the AFC. Looking like we'll have our first repeat SB champ in sometime.

Around the Network
NobleTeam360 said:
Angelus said:
Not a Colts fan at all, and I actually am rather annoyed by all the constant Luck hype, but gotta admit I'm rooting for them to give Manning and the Broncos the bounce lol

I honestly don't think anyone can beat the Seahawks from the AFC. Looking like we'll have our first repeat SB champ in sometime.

Ya. I mean I don't wanna jinx them or anything, but watching the other teams play so far they all have some pretty glaring weaknesses to me. Seahawks should do it.

Agree, I think this is a Seahawks year. Wilson is a good guy, so no complaints.

lol Manning sees his career flashing before his eyes over there on the sideline

Angelus said:
lol Manning sees his career flashing before his eyes over there on the sideline

Passing of the torch.  Luck is really damn good. PM is great, but his body is failing him clearly. 

Around the Network
RolStoppable said:
Question: How do you score twice in four minutes when your QB can't complete passes that travel more than eight yards in the air?

Politely ask the opposing defense to stay off the field?

Nationwide is on your s

Getting bounced in the first round


Edit: Apparently crossing stuff out here doesn't work anymore lol

Tom Brady - 9 AFC Championship appearances
Peyton Manning - One and done in the playoffs, 9 times.

See ya next week Colts! :D

At least one wildcard team is still in it. 

Edit: Team that played in the Wildcard round that is.

mornelithe said:
Tom Brady - 9 AFC Championship appearances
Peyton Manning - One and done in the playoffs, 9 times.

See ya next week Colts! :D

Tom Brady: 12-2 post season record pre-spygate

7-6 postseason record post-spygate

If Peyton had Spygate he'd have around 5-6 Super Bowls.