It's been a good season.
- Just finished Kono Oto Tomare! ep. 12. Damn, that was good. Easily the best musical scene of the entire series. I'd even put it up there with Nodame Cantabile. Hozuki is just ridiculously huggable. Also, I really, really hope Suzuka-sensei
and Akira end up together. I like her a lot
The funny thing is, I dropped the manga. I found it to be very contrived. And it is contrived, but with the music added in, I no longer care. It makes a massive difference to be able to hear what everyone is gushing over.
- Chihayafuru continues to be one of the best anime ever produced, even into season 3. What else is new.
- Fate Babylonia something something started off really slowly. It was my "nothing else to watch" anime and I semi-dropped it a few times. Right now, though, it's one of the best of the season. Last few episodes have been great. Incredible animation and exceptional voice-work aside, both of which are kind of expected, the humor has been the best part. What the series needed was for the Servants to take center stage--when that delivered, the series delivered. Honestly, the main characters themselves are boring, the show is best when they're foils for the over-the-top Servants. Also, everyone ignoring Jaguar had me dying. I watched that scene five times.

Rin--I mean, Ishtar, is still a treasure. Kana Ueda is one of the best seiyuu ever.

- Ahiru no Sora is a decent enough sports anime. However, the "boys vs. girls" arc was really fun and I'm glad it spanned three episodes. Best part of the series so far without a doubt.
- Dr. Stone remains entertaining. Yeah, it's cheesy sometimes, but the story itself is first-rate, as crazy as that is for a shonen title.
- Kabukichou Sherlock is weird but I keep watching it. I'm not even sure why but I just find the interplay between the characters interesting. Awesome OP, too.
Next season seems interesting, as well.
- Somali Mori no Kamisama: I read the bit of the manga but it didn't really grab my attention. Really cute human kid being raised by a powerful Golem (or something). Seemed very much in the "cute for the sake of cute" trend that's been popular in manga. Still, the premise sounds solid so I might give it another look.
- Dorohedoro: Already talked about this one, manga is amazing. Praying the anime lives up to the insanity.
- Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na!: Talked about this one, too. Awesome manga with tons of imagination. Masaaki Yuasa (Devilman Crybaby) is the director so this one has a good shot at being a good adaptation.
- Plunderer: Read a few chapters of the manga, wasn't really impressed. VERY like Seven Deadly Sins. Overpowered hero character that's being hunted by the government, a girl who wants to find him because she needs help, lots of fan-service. Liked the idea about everyone having a number that's like a countdown for their life thing, though.
- Murenase! Shiiton Gakuen: Enjoyable manga, mostly because of the Wolf-girl. She's a fun character who will also get your sympathy flowing. Hina Kino is her seiyuu so I have no doubt she'll be entertaining. Some of the other girls are fun, too, especially the
vivster said: I dropped Honzuki after 2 episodes. Yes, she's cute but it drags on too long and the show's one gag gets old very fast. There are literally no interesting characters introduced in the first ep, including MC.
If I want something nice and slow paced about a book crazy girl I watch Shirayuki hime. At least that one has characters and a story. |
Interesting comparison, as the two couldn't be more different. I loved the charm and main character of Shirayukihime but I ended up dropping both the manga and then anime. The premise is good but it starts on a high note and then just kind of drifts along. Everything is really just background noise for the "will-they-or-won't-they" romance. It just didn't have a lot of meat. If I were to chart it on a graph, it would start very high and slope downward.
I'd chart Honzuki no Gekokujou as starting low and then sloping consistently upwards. It's a journey, with lots of interconnecting points that play against one another. The story starts with the main character's interactions with her "family", then the neighbors, then the soldiers, then the merchants (the biggest jump), then the clerics, then ... I'm guessing the nobles, which should be another important and possibly dangerous jump. None of them get left behind, though--for example, both her family and merchant connections are part of the dealings with the clergy. It's well-planned development. The original work is a web novel so I'm not surprised that it's structured differently.
That's the manga, though. I have no idea about the anime.
Also, the artist for Honzuki no Gekokujou is bloody good.