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Forums - Movies & TV - Super Official Anime Discussion Thread

That was a surprisingly light Goblin Slayer episode, considering how last week's ended. Not that I mind, Priestess is cute and it's nice seeing GS say more than two words.

Also it's going all in with the Lord of the Rings references. That opening scene was right out of The Hobbit. What the hell else is in Monster Bilbo's pocket?

Didn't expect that to happen in Zombieland. Was a pretty interesting character twist that I'm sure won't dominate all conversations about this anime on social media for the rest of the season.

And finally Rimuru is a girl!

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

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Looks like Shonen Jump magazine is getting three new series.  The reason this has my attention is that one of them is from the mangaka of Fire Punch.  Fire Punch is freaking crazy.  The new series seems to be about a dark hero who uses a chainsaw for a weapon, so that should be right in line with Fire Punch.  For those who don't know Fire Punch, it's about a guy who can't die who is cursed to burn with fire that can't be extinguished, all in a post-apocalyptic setting. 

Zombieland Saga -- Tae-chan's expressions are the best.  Just the best.  I keep replaying scenes just for her reactions.  Also, Kotaro is an asshole and it's awesome.  

Zombieland Saga has taken a bit of a quality hit an the recent episodes and that gut punch from the last episode came completely out of nowhere. I'm expecting some ramp up from now and an amazing finale.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

I don't much like the recent trend in manga/anime where the main character is massively overpowered and "battles" are just a way for them to show off.  I get bored of it really quickly.  A lot of it seems to stem from light novel adaptations but certainly not all of it.  The Seven Deadly Sins, for example, would have been so much better if I didn't want the main character to disappear.  

With the Slime-chan anime, at least the hot ogre has finally appeared.  

I'm hoping the anime for So I'm a Spider, So What? (Kumo desu ga, Nani ka?) follows the manga in that the main character, though overpowered for a lowly spider, gets her ass kicked while she's leveling up and has to run away from top-of-the-food-chain stuff.  

You guys seen the "Blizzard" dragon ball super: broly video? Absolute hype.

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Sagaland Zombie ep 9 was awesome. Saki is awesome. Every part of it was awesome. I love this series.

Zombieland Saga is getting a bit frustrating to watch. Everything is just so unsubstantial. It seems they want to turn it up to 11 but never actually do it. The reunions of the last 2 episodes should've had some major impact but they're basically just brushed aside. They should've let Trigger do this show.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

BasilZero said: 

Here's what I watched so far in 2018

I'm not watching any of the same currently airing series but there is some good stuff in this list.

I haven't seen Gunbuster 2 in a really long time but I remember thinking it was awesome and that it's animation was amazing.

pokoko said:
Sagaland Zombie ep 9 was awesome. Saki is awesome. Every part of it was awesome. I love this series.

Agreed, was hoping for a Saki focus ep ever since she was introduced, and it didn't disappoint. Can't not smile at her shit-eating grin, and her resolution was awesome.

I'm also enjoying Tatsumi a lot. Not only because of the LOUD NOISES, but despite the asshole exterior he shows that he's a surprisingly great manager. I liked that scene a few eps ago where he keeps the show going even after the lightning hits.


I caught up on Black Clover this week. Wouldn't say its amazing but it kept my interest up the whole time. The Black Bulls characters are all really fun, particularly Yami, whose probably the best character in the show. The gag documentary with Yami trapped in the bathroom with no toilet paper had me in tears I was laughing so hard. 

It seems like its doing that endless format that Naruto and Bleach we'll see if I keep up with it or just get bored and read the manga. Or just get bored in general. So far it's good but watching something weekly tends to make flaws more apparent I find.

Current backlog show is BanG Dream, an anime about cute girls that form a band and play music. I've heard it wasn't very good but I'm enjoying it, though I'm also really into the mobile game so that probably helps. Kasumi/Arisa is my OTP so far.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

Super_Boom said:
pokoko said:
Sagaland Zombie ep 9 was awesome. Saki is awesome. Every part of it was awesome. I love this series.

Agreed, was hoping for a Saki focus ep ever since she was introduced, and it didn't disappoint. Can't not smile at her shit-eating grin, and her resolution was awesome.

I'm also enjoying Tatsumi a lot. Not only because of the LOUD NOISES, but despite the asshole exterior he shows that he's a surprisingly great manager. I liked that scene a few eps ago where he keeps the show going even after the lightning hits.

I loved his interactions with Junko, especially kicking the door down and then telling her to fix it.  That she actually did just killed me.  Also, is it just me or is it basically telling us that he's the one who killed Sakura?  

Saki is a fantastic character and her voice actress is doing an amazing job.  

I've watched ep. 9 twice and I kept rewinding the scene in the park.  It was just so well directed.  Those girls walking slowly while trying to look like badasses was hilarious.  Lilly's reactions were so funny, and then Saki blinking in surprise for a second before casually slipping into true badass mode was great.  That, and "When Tae-chans attack" was golden.