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Super_Boom said:
pokoko said:
Sagaland Zombie ep 9 was awesome. Saki is awesome. Every part of it was awesome. I love this series.

Agreed, was hoping for a Saki focus ep ever since she was introduced, and it didn't disappoint. Can't not smile at her shit-eating grin, and her resolution was awesome.

I'm also enjoying Tatsumi a lot. Not only because of the LOUD NOISES, but despite the asshole exterior he shows that he's a surprisingly great manager. I liked that scene a few eps ago where he keeps the show going even after the lightning hits.

I loved his interactions with Junko, especially kicking the door down and then telling her to fix it.  That she actually did just killed me.  Also, is it just me or is it basically telling us that he's the one who killed Sakura?  

Saki is a fantastic character and her voice actress is doing an amazing job.  

I've watched ep. 9 twice and I kept rewinding the scene in the park.  It was just so well directed.  Those girls walking slowly while trying to look like badasses was hilarious.  Lilly's reactions were so funny, and then Saki blinking in surprise for a second before casually slipping into true badass mode was great.  That, and "When Tae-chans attack" was golden.