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How is everyone's season going?

I added SSSS Gridman to my simulcasts. Was a bit hesitant given the last few Trigger anime I watched, but so far this one doesn't take itself too seriously, so I'm finding it more enjoyable. Definitely a visual spectacle, and the character designs are great.

Other than that, Boarding School Juliet has a strong chance of ousting Jojo as my favorite show this season. My fears of it being a harem were mostly assuaged, MC is actually pretty badass, and it isn't purely defined by Girls A-D getting their 1-2 episodes before moving on. The scumbag rival character is actually one of my favorites, though maybe I just like Gintoki's voice wherever I hear it.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

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Super_Boom said:

Man that Zombieland ending. Poor lady XD I burst out laughing when the MC tried to hide but got a head of herself.

*crickets chirp*

Slime MC has good taste in girls. 

Still watching Black Clover in backlog land. Like a lot of manga/anime it draws on, the characters are a lot better than the story, and thankfully Asta's voice stops being horrible later on. Still find the arcs pretty predictable, but the execution is usually nice.

Again though, holy cow the OP/ED selection is great. I've yet to hear a bad one.

This op is so good. I don't even watch the show and I love it LOL.

Super_Boom said:

How is everyone's season going?

I added SSSS Gridman to my simulcasts. Was a bit hesitant given the last few Trigger anime I watched, but so far this one doesn't take itself too seriously, so I'm finding it more enjoyable. Definitely a visual spectacle, and the character designs are great.

Other than that, Boarding School Juliet has a strong chance of ousting Jojo as my favorite show this season. My fears of it being a harem were mostly assuaged, MC is actually pretty badass, and it isn't purely defined by Girls A-D getting their 1-2 episodes before moving on. The scumbag rival character is actually one of my favorites, though maybe I just like Gintoki's voice wherever I hear it.

So far i'm only watching Jojo which I love. Definitely started way more interesting and entertaining than DiU. 

Think I pretty much dropped Goblin Slayer and SAO. 

HandofPrometheus said:

This op is so good. I don't even watch the show and I love it LOL.

OP is the best part!!!

In seriousness, even compared to your average shounen action type anime, this one seems to play it pretty extremely safe. I don't think a single thing has surprised me yet outside of gag episodes. I remember just last episode I watched, a character started losing to three new bad guys, and I even thought, well this is probably the part where three other good guys will show up at the last minute to help him out. And then that happens exactly. I'm still watching it because the characters are great...but gosh, I've seen Hanna-Barbera cartoons that surprise me more than this show.

Also it's a bit of a genre gripe, but I hate how so many mangaka are incapable of making actual underdog characters. Don't tell us the MC is a loser if he wins every fight and has a harem of girls that fall in love with him for almost no reason.

HandofPrometheus said:

So far i'm only watching Jojo which I love. Definitely started way more interesting and entertaining than DiU. 

Think I pretty much dropped Goblin Slayer and SAO. 

Jojo is awesome so far, I like the way it's playing out. New cast seems really interesting, probably more than Part 4 IMO. That opening with Abbachio in particular was pretty surprising. favorite part of Part 4 was its awesome villain, so the Part 5 villain will really need to step up to match that.

I also dropped SAO. People keep telling me this is where SAO gets good, but throwing the most boring anime MC ever into a new world with brand new characters is basically the last thing I wanted to see from this franchise. I'm still enjoying Goblin Slayer though...even if I think the initial hype was kind of annoying. 

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

Gakuen Basara is a fun series. Kind of reminds me of Gintama a bit but with less tsukkomi and a lot less edginess. I like how there is really no effort to explain legendary Japanese feudal figures being modern high-school students. Oda Nobunaga as the headmaster of a school makes all the sense in the world.

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I really like the Himote House opening song.

Extended version:

Well just finished my Japan trip. Didn't really watch any anime. Flying Witch was only mildly interesting because I saw some of the places I went to in it, otherwise it is quite possibly the most boring anime ever. Like it isn't bad, but just boring.

On the bright side I will probably anime binge soon, to keep my Japan spirits up. I also have to finish my games I started in September... and eat a ton of American food.

Farsala said:
Well just finished my Japan trip. Didn't really watch any anime. Flying Witch was only mildly interesting because I saw some of the places I went to in it, otherwise it is quite possibly the most boring anime ever. Like it isn't bad, but just boring.

On the bright side I will probably anime binge soon, to keep my Japan spirits up. I also have to finish my games I started in September... and eat a ton of American food.

Well that's understandable, anime won't go anywhere. Where did you go? Eat any interesting food?

Make sure to get nice fat cheeseburger now that you're back. Heh.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

It's been slow to get there but the last few episodes of Irozuku Sekai no Ashita kara have been really good.  The art, especially, has been wonderful.  It's certainly one of the best looking anime series in awhile.

Mar1217 said:
SO ... did anyone got to watch the 2nd Season of Castlevania on Netflix ? I heard there were a lot of quotable moments in this season in particular.

I enjoyed it immensely, it's quite the anomaly how good netflix's castlevania is. If it's a sign of things to come for netflix in that department, I'm excited.

I stopped watching Tokyo Ghoul, I just can't take it anymore. I'm probably as big of a tokyo ghoul fan as you can get, but... they really butchered it now. Sad.

JJBA golden wind and Made in Abyss are the only animes keeping me sane right now. Yes, I'm watching Made in Abyss for the first time only now, I've been lazy.