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How is everyone's season going?

I added SSSS Gridman to my simulcasts. Was a bit hesitant given the last few Trigger anime I watched, but so far this one doesn't take itself too seriously, so I'm finding it more enjoyable. Definitely a visual spectacle, and the character designs are great.

Other than that, Boarding School Juliet has a strong chance of ousting Jojo as my favorite show this season. My fears of it being a harem were mostly assuaged, MC is actually pretty badass, and it isn't purely defined by Girls A-D getting their 1-2 episodes before moving on. The scumbag rival character is actually one of my favorites, though maybe I just like Gintoki's voice wherever I hear it.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334