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Wait what? Some people don't like Attack on Titan? That's the equivalent of disliking Game of Thrones. Oh well..

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Mordred11 said:
Wait what? Some people don't like Attack on Titan? That's the equivalent of disliking Game of Thrones. Oh well..

Season 2 was my Aots. I will watch Season 3 at some point when I have more time.

Dr.Vita said:
vivster said:

We usually watch real anime.

Attack on Titan has one of the best stories ever written by a human. Did you read the manga?

I read the Claymore Manga, so I know all about the best story ever written.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
Dr.Vita said:

Attack on Titan has one of the best stories ever written by a human. Did you read the manga?

I read the Claymore Manga, so I know all about the best story ever written.

Oh my god.. yes. I love you.

Mordred11 said:
Wait what? Some people don't like Attack on Titan? That's the equivalent of disliking Game of Thrones. Oh well..

I mean..I’m not really a fan of Game of Thrones. Got halfway into book 3 until I got tired of all of my favorite characters dying. I didn’t really enjoy AoT either until it started to focus on character development and world building instead of surprise death of the week.

That being said, I like Attack on Titan but I already read the manga, so not much to really comment on. This is an an anime thread so I’m sure people don’t really want opinions through the lens of someone who knows what happens...which I probably give enough anyway regardless.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

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Greatest story ever written is Battle Tendency anyways.

ARamdomGamer said:
Greatest story ever written is Battle Tendency anyways.

Vento Aureo > Battle Tendency.

Mordred11 said:
ARamdomGamer said:
Greatest story ever written is Battle Tendency anyways.

Vento Aureo > Battle Tendency.

I was trying to make a quick Jojoke but oh well.

If I'm being serious, for Jojo, I find the best stories to be Stone Ocean, Diamond is Unbreakable and Battle Tendency in that order, feel they have the better pacing and structure. Vento Aureo is still a solid part tho.

Still have to read Steel Ball Run too, which I hear has the best story of the series.

Greatest story ever told is Gakuen Handsome.


Light novel titles are ridiculous but this one made me laugh out loud--'Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks?'  Seems to be another "stuck in a game world" story but where the guy's mom is also present.  She's hot, though, so I'll check out the anime.


There isn't anything mind blowing this season, except maybe Zombie Land Saga, but there is a lot that's pretty enjoyable.

Even Radiant, which I can't help but make fun of, is kind of good.  I mean, seriously, it turns out that 'Radiant' is a mythical place that the young protagonist sets off on a journey to find?  And he gathers crewmembers on the way?  I can't even mock that, it's too easy.  I just hope he gets there in ... one piece.  

Episode 3, however, was a big improvement on the first two.  Alma is just a damn good character and her story had me invested in the anime for the first time.  She's probably going to die like all good mentor characters, though, just to give the protagonist that much cliched boost, which sucks.  

Akanesasu Shoujo is another surprise.  It's got a somewhat interesting story but I really like the characters.  The expression on Seriaskua's (Serious Asuka) face when she learned her parallel character in this world is an idiot was priceless.

Last edited by pokoko - on 21 October 2018