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Forums - Movies & TV - Super Official Anime Discussion Thread

Yay! Mecha anime poll!
Damn it Basil! I'll choose other for gundam then...most of these shows are great though(except eureka 7's 2nd season was kinda meh imo) Gurren Laggan and code geass are amazing and Eva has Rei ...this was tough xD
I haven't seen all the gundams (who has!), but I've seen enough to see why it's lasted so long.


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Code Geass for sure! I didn't like the original EVA since it was too sad and NME is heading there as of the last movie...

The best cat in anime.

Black Hanekawa is best cat.


Poll question is tough...but overall, I'd say Code Geass takes it for me.The mecha aspect was important, but it definitely played second fiddle to the fantasy and political parts of the story. It was extremely well written, and the characters' motivations were relatable, even if I didn't agree with them all. It had character death, but all of it was crucial to advance the story, rather than just for shock value or closure.

TTGL is a close second. I loved how insane the scope was, the character progression (Simon's development was fantastic), and how well-written the dialogue was. It also seemed to parody its own genre, which is something I find amusing. The reason Code Geass edges it out is mostly because of the ending. I find it annoying to use character death purely for closure, especially when your universe relies so much on absurdity and pseudo-science. It made it really hard for me to accept that said character had to die.

Oh, and for the record, my favorite anime cat is my real cat's namesake.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

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Waifus...they never change.


Versus_Evil said:
Can't believe I'm saying this but .. I've found an anime that's topped NNB as my favourite of all time and oh boy isit a good one.

Natsume Yuujinchou

Its hard to put into words just how good this one is, but the feels are real.

Heard about it, put it on my list, but didn't think it would be that good :o

I'll give it a shot soon since I love them feels and you recommend it that much.


Versus_Evil said:
Shadow8 said:

Waifus...they never change.

Rachnee all the way, she has nice legs.

...if it's a waifu war you want, it's a waifu war you'll get!


Versus_Evil said:
Shadow8 said:

...if it's a waifu war you want, it's a waifu war you'll get!

I'll get you for this!


Versus_Evil said:
Can't believe I'm saying this but .. I've found an anime that's topped NNB as my favourite of all time and oh boy isit a good one.

Natsume Yuujinchou

Its hard to put into words just how good this one is, but the feels are real.

I'm curious. I added both natsume yujin-cho and natsume yujin-cho shi to my queue on crunchyroll. I'll watch it in a bit and let ya know what i think after a few episodes. Btw, what's NNB?