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Forums - Movies & TV - Super Official Anime Discussion Thread

Versus_Evil said:
Shadow8 said:

Come on Rei, I believe in you! We can still win this!

Maybe you can get all your clones to vote for you ;)

Oh you xD

If things keep up like this, I might just have to :p


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With all this talk about evangelion, it reminded me of this.

One of the best animes ever meets eva's opening xD


BasilZero said:
Shadow8 said:

Come on Rei, I believe in you! We can still win this!


My eyes keep going to where it should not be.....but mah vote still to Asuka ;(!

 D: !

Fight it Basil, you know that Rie is better! In your heart, you know it to be true!



Completed Charlotte

Went in with nothing except for the name so I didn't really know what to expect, except that I've heard the ending was a let down (I care a lot about the endings and last impressions :p )

First episode is decent because I do hate annoying, arrogant, etc. MCs that he was. Got some sense kicked right at his face so that was nice to see. Things took a big turn in Ep 8 and again in Ep 11 (i think). However, there were a lot of okay episodes and :/ times that made it uninteresting. Ending wasn't as bad as I would expect, but it definitely was not good. Don't want to drag this on so..

Decent anime, entertaining to watch and funny at times, though not the best execution and story+plot has quite a lot of holes

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pokoko said:

EDIT: Boom's cat is awesome.

Doppelganger! Or perhaps Boom is using his mod powers to abduct my cat when I'm not in the house.......


#1 Amb-ass-ador

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BasilZero said:
Shadow8 said:

 D: !

Fight it Basil, you know that Rie is better! In your heart, you know it to be true!



If only her personality was more lively n_n. (And I dont mean in that one dream sequence near the end of the anime XD).

That's part of her charm though xD


Versus_Evil said:

Colour me hyped!!!


Im not really into Sports..... Even Rugby....... but......

THAT ASS!!!!!!!!!!! 

Pocky Lover Boy! 

ReimTime said:

Doppelganger! Or perhaps Boom is using his mod powers to abduct my cat when I'm not in the house.......


Holy crap, it's like Mao's long lost twin. Looks like he's missing his legs though.

And yes, I totally took my cat's name from Darker than Black. Though to be fair it's also an awesome name for a cat.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

Super_Boom said:
ReimTime said:

Doppelganger! Or perhaps Boom is using his mod powers to abduct my cat when I'm not in the house.......



Holy crap, it's like Mao's long lost twin. Looks like she's missing her legs though.

And yes, I totally took my cat's name from Darker than Black. Though to be fair it's also an awesome name for a cat.

I wanted to call my cat Chairman Meow but I was the only one on board for it

#1 Amb-ass-ador

Versus_Evil said:
So most shows have three episodes left, anything your looking forward to in Spring?

Yeah, I'm looking forward to Jojo Part 4: Diamond is Unbreakable. This has alreadt won my AOTY, since I know what's gonna happen :p

Phoenix Wright anime is finally happening!!! I really hope they don't mess it up, waited too long for it not to be good.

Lastly, the new Gundam Unicorn RE:0096. I haven't seen the new one yet(Iron blooded orphans), but I'm more interested in this one since I really liked Gundam Unicorn.

Would have said god eater, but I just found out it started again yesterday xD Wished they'd have been more true to the game, but there's only 4 episodes left so I might as well finish it. It's still enjoyable, just could've been better.